- fore sight
- передний отсчет, проф. взгляд вперед
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Fore sight — Fore Fore (f[=o]r), a. [See {Fore}, adv.] Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; opposed to {back} or {behind};… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
fore´sight´ed|ly — fore|sight|ed «FR SY tihd, FOHR », adjective. having or showing foresight; foreseeing. SYNONYM(S): provident. –fore´sight´ed|ly, adverb. –fore´sight´ed|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
fore|sight|ed — «FR SY tihd, FOHR », adjective. having or showing foresight; foreseeing. SYNONYM(S): provident. –fore´sight´ed|ly, adverb. –fore´sight´ed|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
fore|sight — «FR SYT, FOHR », noun. 1. the power to see or know beforehand whas likely to happen: »No one had enough foresight to predict the winner. SYNONYM(S): prevision. 2. careful thought for the future; prudence: »A spendthrift does not use foresight.… … Useful english dictionary
fore´sight´ed|ness — fore|sight|ed «FR SY tihd, FOHR », adjective. having or showing foresight; foreseeing. SYNONYM(S): provident. –fore´sight´ed|ly, adverb. –fore´sight´ed|ness, noun … Useful english dictionary
fore·sight — … Useful english dictionary
Fore — (f[=o]r), a. [See {Fore}, adv.] Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; opposed to {back} or {behind}; as, the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fore bay — Fore Fore (f[=o]r), a. [See {Fore}, adv.] Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; opposed to {back} or {behind};… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fore body — Fore Fore (f[=o]r), a. [See {Fore}, adv.] Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; opposed to {back} or {behind};… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fore boot — Fore Fore (f[=o]r), a. [See {Fore}, adv.] Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; opposed to {back} or {behind};… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Fore bow — Fore Fore (f[=o]r), a. [See {Fore}, adv.] Advanced, as compared with something else; toward the front; being or coming first, in time, place, order, or importance; preceding; anterior; antecedent; earlier; forward; opposed to {back} or {behind};… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English