forced-air heating

forced-air heating
воздушное отопление

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "forced-air heating" в других словарях:

  • Forced-air — A Forced air or Warm air heating system is one which uses air as its heat transfer medium. These systems use ductwork and vents as a means of air distribution. The return plenum carries the air from several large return grills (vents) to a… …   Wikipedia

  • Forced-air gas — heating systems are used in central air heating/cooling systems for houses. Sometimes the system is referred to as Forced hot air . Generally, they have a furnace heated by natural gas that pushes hot air through duct work, then through vents to… …   Wikipedia

  • Forced Air System or Furnace —   A type of heating system in which heated air is blown by a fan through air channels or ducts to rooms …   Energy terms

  • Heating — may refer to: *HVAC: Heating, ventilation and air conditioningHeating devices, or systems: *Block heater, or headbolt heater, an electric heater that heats the engine of a car to ease starting in cold weather *Boiler *Cathode heater, a coil or… …   Wikipedia

  • Air filter — An air filter is a device which removes solid particulates such as dust, pollen, mold, and bacteria from air. Air filters are used in applications where air quality is important, notably in building ventilation systems and in engines, such as… …   Wikipedia

  • forced — adjective 1. produced by or subjected to forcing (Freq. 1) forced air heating furnaces of the forced convection type forced convection in plasma generators • Participle of verb: ↑force 2. forced or compelled (Freq. 1) …   Useful english dictionary

  • gas forced-air heat pipe — High efficiency gas furnace that uses vertical liquid filled pipes. The pipes are heated by a burner at their base, and the liquid boils and vaporizes within the pipe. The furnace blower circulates air over the pipes for heating …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • heat pipe, gas forced-air — High efficiency gas furnace that uses vertical liquid filled pipes. The pipes are heated by a burner at their base, and the liquid boils and vaporizes within the pipe. The furnace blower circulates air over the pipes for heating …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • heating — I Process of raising the temperature of an enclosed space. Heat can be delivered by convection, radiation, and thermal conduction. With the exception of the ancient Romans, who developed a form of central heating, most cultures relied on direct… …   Universalium

  • Air conditioner — For general aspects of air conditioning, see Air conditioning. A typical home air conditioning unit. An air conditioner (often referred to as AC) is a home appliance, system, or mechanism designed to dehumidify and extract heat from an area. The… …   Wikipedia

  • heating — n. central; forced air; space heating * * * [ hiːtɪŋ] forced air space heating central …   Combinatory dictionary

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