forced system
Смотреть что такое "forced system" в других словарях:
Forced induction — is a term used to describe internal combustion engines that are not naturally aspirated. Instead, a gas compressor is added to the air intake, thereby increasing the quantity of oxygen available for combustion. This compressed air is normally… … Wikipedia
Forced-air gas — heating systems are used in central air heating/cooling systems for houses. Sometimes the system is referred to as Forced hot air . Generally, they have a furnace heated by natural gas that pushes hot air through duct work, then through vents to… … Wikipedia
Forced settlements in the Soviet Union — took several forms. Though the most notorious was the Gulag labor camp system of penal labor, resettling of entire categories of population was another method of political repression. At the same time, involuntary settlement played a role in the… … Wikipedia
System Shock 2 — Developer(s) Irrational Games Looking Glass Studios Publisher(s) Electronic Arts … Wikipedia
forced labour — BrE forced labor AmE n [U] when prisoners or ↑slaves are forced to do very hard physical work, or a system in which this happens ▪ Two million suffered imprisonment or forced labour … Dictionary of contemporary English
System of Leibniz — The System of Leibniz † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The System of Leibniz I. LIFE OF LEIBNIZ Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz was born at Leipzig on 21 June (1 July), 1646. In 1661 he entered the University of Leipzig as a student of… … Catholic encyclopedia
forced vibration — of a system is vibration during which variable forces outside the system determine the period of the vibration … Mechanics glossary
Forced labor in Germany during World War II — Use of forced labor in Nazi Germany during World War II occurred on a large scale. It was an important part of the German economic exploitation of conquered territories; it also contributed to the extermination of populations of German–occupied… … Wikipedia
Forced-air — A Forced air or Warm air heating system is one which uses air as its heat transfer medium. These systems use ductwork and vents as a means of air distribution. The return plenum carries the air from several large return grills (vents) to a… … Wikipedia
FORCED (Slave) LABOR — The term forced labor (Zwangsarbeit) is not well defined. Forced labor is commonly understood as an employment relationship of a member of a persecuted political or a specific ideological (weltanschauliche) grouping, or an ethnic group, or a… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
forced labour — also called Slave Labour, labour performed involuntarily and under duress, usually by relatively large groups of people. Forced labour differs from slavery in that it involves not the ownership of one person by another but rather merely… … Universalium