for the express purpose of
Смотреть что такое "for the express purpose of" в других словарях:
for the nonce — FOR THE TIME BEING, temporarily, pro tem, for now, for the moment, for the interim, for a while, for the present, in the meantime; provisionally. → nonce * * * adverb 1. dial chiefly Eng : for the particular or express purpose had an anger fit… … Useful english dictionary
The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist — The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist † Catholic Encyclopedia ► The Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist In this article we shall consider: ♦ the fact of the Real Presence, which is, indeed, the central dogma; ♦ the … Catholic encyclopedia
express — [ek spres′, ikspres′] vt. [ME expressen < ML expressare < L expressus, pp. of exprimere, to express, lit., force out < ex , out + premere: see PRESS1] 1. to press out or squeeze out (juice, etc.) 2. to get by pressure; elicit by force;… … English World dictionary
purpose — UK US /ˈpɜːpəs/ noun ► [C] the reason for doing something or the reason that something exists: sb s purpose in doing sth »My purpose in calling this meeting was to remind everyone of some basic rules. with/for the purpose of (doing) sth »He… … Financial and business terms
The Staunton-Morphy controversy — concerns the failure of negotiations in 1858 for a chess match between Howard Staunton and Paul Morphy and later interpretations of the actions of the two players. The details of the events are not universally agreed, and accounts and… … Wikipedia
The Silent Way — is an approach to language teaching designed to enable students to become independent, autonomous and responsible learners. It is part of a more general pedagogical approach to teaching and learning created by Caleb Gattegno. It is constructivist … Wikipedia
The Nightcrawlers — were a regional Daytona Beach, Florida band with a hit single, The Little Black Egg , recorded in 1965. The single ultimately reached 85 on the national charts after its third re release in 1967. The group had three other singles Cry , A Basket… … Wikipedia
The Da Vinci Hoax — is a non fiction book written by Carl E. Olson and Sandra Miesel for the express purpose of critiquing Dan Brown s novel The Da Vinci Code. The book was first published in 2004 by Ignatius Press. According to Olson and Miesel, they wrote it out… … Wikipedia
The Five Blobs — were a group of studio musicians put together in 1958 by session leader Bernie Nee. The ensemble was assembled in Los Angeles for the express purpose of recording The Blob , the title song for the Steve McQueen film The Blob . Written by Burt… … Wikipedia
purpose — noun 1 aim/function ADJECTIVE ▪ limited ▪ chief, main, primary, prime, principal ▪ true ▪ … Collocations dictionary
express — ▪ I. express ex‧press 1 [ɪkˈspres] verb [transitive] 1. to say what you think or feel about something: • The sales manager expressed caution about the deal. • The USA expressed reservations before eventually signing the agreement. • Worries have… … Financial and business terms