for sake
Смотреть что такое "for sake" в других словарях:
for|sake — «fr SAYK», transitive verb, sook, sak|en, sak|ing. to give up; leave alone; leave; abandon: »At fourteen he ran away, forsaking his home and friends. SYNONYM( … Useful english dictionary
for sake of — preposition Because of, for the sake of. She stayed home for sake of her sick friend. Syn: because of … Wiktionary
for·sake — … Useful english dictionary
Sake — For other uses, see Sake (disambiguation). Dedicated sake barrels at Itsukushima Shrine … Wikipedia
sake — for·sake; keep·sake; sake; … English syllables
for — for·mic; for·mi·ca; For·mi·ca; for·mi·can; for·mi·ca·ri·idae; for·mi·car·i·um; for·mi·cary; for·mi·ca·tion; for·mic·i·dae; for·mi·cide; for·mi·civ·o·rous; for·mi·coi·dea; for·mi·col·o·gist; for·mi·da·bil·i·ty; for·mi·da·ble; For·mol; for·mol·ize; … English syllables
for|sak´er — for|sake «fr SAYK», transitive verb, sook, sak|en, sak|ing. to give up; leave alone; leave; abandon: »At fourteen he ran away, forsaking his home and friends. SYNONYM( … Useful english dictionary
sake — [ seık ] noun count usually singular ** 1. ) the benefit or good of someone or something: for someone s sake: We hope for her sake that the wedding goes as planned. for the sake of something: The regulation is not just for the protection of the… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
Sake — (s[=a]k), n. [OE. sake cause, also, lawsuit, fault, AS. sacu strife, a cause or suit at law; akin to D. zaak cause, thing, affair, G. sache thing, cause in law, OHG. sahha, Icel. s[ o]k, Sw. sak, Dan. sag, Goth. sakj[=o] strife, AS. sacan to… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
for goodness' sake — for God’s/Christ’s/goodness’/Heaven’s/Pete’s/sake spoken phrase used for emphasizing what you are saying when you are annoyed or angry ‘for God’s sake’ and ‘for Christ’s sake’ are offensive to some people Oh, for goodness’ sake, leave me alone!… … Useful english dictionary
for old times' sake — for old times’ sake phrase so that you can remember a happy time in the past Let’s go back to Brighton, for old times’ sake. Thesaurus: ways of talking about memoriessynonym Main entry: old * * * I see sake I … Useful english dictionary