for ages
Смотреть что такое "for ages" в других словарях:
for ages — for a very long time, for a long period of time … English contemporary dictionary
wait for ages — wait for a very long time for something to happen … English contemporary dictionary
Ages of consent in South America — The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across South America. The specific activity engaged in or the gender of its participants can also be affected by the law. Below is a discussion of the various laws dealing with this… … Wikipedia
Ages Ago — in 1870 and again in 1874. BackgroundBy the 1850s, the London stage had fallen into disrepute. Shakespeare was played, but most of the entertainments consisted of poorly translated French operettas, risque burlesques and incomprehensible broad… … Wikipedia
for — 1 strong,; strong /fO:r/ preposition 1 intended to be given to or belong to a particular person: I ve got a present for you. | Save some for Arthur. 2 intended to be used in a particular situation: We ve bought some new chairs for the office. | a … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Ages in Chaos — is a book by the controversial writer Immanuel Velikovsky, first published by Doubleday in 1952, which put forward a major revision of the history of the Ancient Near East. A second volume was due for publication shortly after this but was… … Wikipedia
Ages of consent in Central America — concerns the ages of consent across six jurisdictions that constitute Central America, with a range from 15 to 18.BelizeIn Belize, the age of consent is 16 for all heterosexuals. Since 2000, homosexuality has been re criminalized (regardless of… … Wikipedia
Ages of Man (play) — Ages of Man is a one man play performed by John Gielgud of a collection of speeches in Shakespeare s plays. Based on an anthology edited by Oxford professor George Rylands in 1939 that organized the speeches to show the journey of life from birth … Wikipedia
Ages of Myst — Not to be confused with Ages of Myst, a boxed compilation of Myst and Riven. The Ages of Myst is a collective term for the fictional D ni Ages found on Myst Island in the Myst franchise. What follows is a list of the Ages visited in the game of… … Wikipedia
Ages of consent in North America — The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across North America. OverviewThe age of consent is the age at or above which a person is considered to have the legal capacity to consent to sexual activity. Both partners must be of… … Wikipedia
Ages of consent in Europe — The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across Europe. The Vatican City has the lowest age of consent in Europe (set at 12) while Turkey and Malta have the highest, set at 18. The law can also stipulate the specific… … Wikipedia