
ˈfutpɑ:θ сущ. пешеходная дорожка, тропинка n (пешеходная) дорожка, тропинка

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "foot-path" в других словарях:

  • foot|path — «FUT PATH, PAHTH», noun, verb. –n. a path for people on foot only. –v.t. to make a footpath or footpaths across …   Useful english dictionary

  • foot·path — /ˈfʊtˌpæθ, Brit ˈfʊtˌpɑːθ/ noun, pl paths [count] 1 : a narrow path that people walk on a footpath winding through the garden 2 Brit : ↑sidewalk …   Useful english dictionary

  • Foot Path — Infobox Film name =Khayyam image size = caption = director = Zia Sarhadi producer = writer = Zia Sarhadi narrator = starring = Dilip Kumar Meena Kumari music = Khayyam cinematography = M Rajaram editing = Shivaji Avdhut distributor = released =… …   Wikipedia

  • foot-path — …   Useful english dictionary

  • PATH (Toronto) — PATH Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada Opening date 1900 first pedestrian tunnel in Toronto 1960 70s construction begins of underground shopping concourses and linkages 1987 City becomes coordinating agency of network …   Wikipedia

  • path — /path, pahth/, n., pl. paths /padhz, pahdhz, paths, pahths/. 1. a way beaten, formed, or trodden by the feet of persons or animals. 2. a narrow walk or way: a path through a garden; a bicycle path. 3. a route, course, or track along which… …   Universalium

  • Path Finder (Transformers) — Path Finder is the name of a fictional character from the various Transformers universes.Challenge of the GobotsTransformers character name =Path Finder caption =Path Finder on the Go Bots TV series. japanname = affiliation =Autobot subgroup… …   Wikipedia

  • path — path1 [path, päth] n. [ME < OE pæth, akin to Ger pfad, Du pad, prob. early Gmc loanword < Iran (as in Avestan path ) < IE base * pent(h) , to step, go > FIND, L pons, bridge] 1. a track or way worn by footsteps; trail 2. a walk or way …   English World dictionary

  • foot|way — «FUT WAY», noun. a path for people on foot only; sidewalk …   Useful english dictionary

  • foot|worn — «FUT WRN, WOHRN», adjective. 1. worn by the feet: »a footworn path. 2. having tired feet; footsore …   Useful english dictionary

  • Path Valley Railroad — The Path Valley Railroad was a proposed narrow gauge railroad in Perry and Franklin Counties, Pennsylvania.Intended as an extension of the Newport and Shermans Valley Railroad, it was to begin at that railroad s terminus in New Germantown and run …   Wikipedia

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