Смотреть что такое "foot-lambert" в других словарях:
Foot-lambert — A foot lambert or footlambert (fL, sometimes fl or ft L) is a unit of luminance in U.S. customary units and elsewhere. A foot lambert equals 1/pi candela per square foot, or 3.4262591 candelas per square meter (nits). It is named after Johann… … Wikipedia
foot-lambert — /foot lam beuhrt/, n. Optics. a unit of luminance or photometric brightness, equal to the luminance of a surface emitting a luminous flux of one lumen per square foot, the luminance of a perfectly reflecting surface receiving an illumination of… … Universalium
foot-lambert — foot′ lam bert n. opt a unit of luminance equal to the luminance of a surface emitting a luminous flux of one lumen per square foot • Etymology: 1920–1925 … From formal English to slang
foot-lambert — noun a former luminance unit equal to one lumen per square foot • Syn: ↑ft L • Hypernyms: ↑luminance unit * * * /foot lam beuhrt/, n. Optics. a unit of luminance or photometric brightness, equal to the luminance of a surface emitting a luminous… … Useful english dictionary
foot-lambert — /fʊt ˈlæmbət/ (say foot lambuht) noun a unit of luminance in the imperial system, equal to approx. 3.426 26 candelas per square metre …
Lambert (luminance) — The lambert (symbol L) is a unit of luminance named for Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728 1777), a German mathematician, physicist and astronomer. A related unit of luminance, the foot lambert, is used in the lighting, cinema and flight simulation… … Wikipedia
Lambert (unit) — The lambert (symbol L, la or Lb) is a non SI unit of luminance named for Johann Heinrich Lambert (1728–1777), a Swiss mathematician, physicist and astronomer. A related unit of luminance, the foot lambert, is used in the lighting, cinema and… … Wikipedia
Lambert-St. Louis International Airport — Lambert St. Louis International Airport … Wikipedia
Lambert pine — Lam bert pine . [So called from Lambert, an English botanist.] (Bot.) The gigantic sugar pine of California and Oregon ({Pinus Lambertiana}). It has the leaves in fives, and cones a foot long. The timber is soft, and like that of the white pine… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
lambert — [lam′bərt] n. [after J. H. Lambert (1728 77), Ger mathematician, physicist, & philosopher] the basic unit of luminance in the CGS system, equal to the brightness of an ideal surface that radiates or reflects light at the rate of one lumen per… … English World dictionary
Lambert's Castle — Location map Dorset lat=50.78713 long= 2.89509 width=180 float=right caption= Lambert s Castle shown within Dorset (gbmapping|SY370990)Lambert s Castle is an Iron Age hill fort in Dorset, England.The fort rises to a height of 256 m on a broad… … Wikipedia