Смотреть что такое "foot-fault" в других словарях:
foot|fault — foot fault, (in lawn tennis) a fault committed by the server if he fails to maintain contact with the ground or if he brings either foot across the base line before hitting the ball. foot|fault «FUT FLT», intransitive verb. to make a foot fault.… … Useful english dictionary
foot fault — foot′ fault n. spo the failure of the server in tennis, volleyball, etc., to keep both feet behind the base line until the ball is hit or to keep at least one foot on the ground while hitting the ball • Etymology: 1885–90 foot′fault , v.i … From formal English to slang
foot fault — n. Tennis a rule violation consisting of failure to keep both feet behind the base line, or to keep at least one foot on the ground, when serving … English World dictionary
foot fault — n a mistake in tennis when the person who ↑serves is not standing behind the line … Dictionary of contemporary English
foot-fault — (izg. fȕt fōlt) m DEFINICIJA sport u tenisu, prekršaj kad igrač koji servira nagazi nogom na liniju ispred sebe; prijestup ETIMOLOGIJA engl … Hrvatski jezični portal
foot fault — ► NOUN ▪ (in tennis, squash, etc.) an infringement of the rules made by overstepping the baseline when serving … English terms dictionary
foot fault — noun 1. : a fault called against a server in tennis by reason of his failure to keep both feet behind the base line or because of walking, running, or failure to maintain contact with the ground during the delivery of a service 2. : the stepping… … Useful english dictionary
foot fault — n. (tennis) to commit a foot fault * * * (tennis) to commit a foot fault … Combinatory dictionary
foot fault — noun (in tennis, squash, etc.) an infringement of the rules made by overstepping the baseline when serving. verb (foot fault) make a foot fault … English new terms dictionary
foot-fault — /ˈfʊt fɔlt/ (say foot fawlt) noun 1. Tennis a service fault in which the server allows one or both feet to cross or touch the baseline. 2. Bowls a failure to keep one foot on or above the mat and the other in front of the rear line of the mat… …
foot fault — Tennis. a fault consisting in the failure of the server to keep both feet behind the base line until the ball is hit or to keep at least one foot on the ground while hitting the ball. [1885 90] * * * … Universalium