foot rest
Смотреть что такое "foot rest" в других словарях:
foot|rest — «FUT REHST», noun. a support on which to rest the feet … Useful english dictionary
foot·rest — /ˈfʊtˌrɛst/ noun, pl rests [count] : something that you put your feet on to raise them off the floor or ground when you are sitting a recliner chair with a padded footrest attached … Useful english dictionary
Foot rot — Foot rot, or infectious pododermatitis, is a hoof infection that is commonly found in sheep, goat, and cattle. As the name suggests, it rots away the foot of the animal, more specifically the area between the two toes of the affected animal. It… … Wikipedia
Foot type — is determined by the shape and structure of the foot. Foot type affects the reduction of impact on the foot while walking, jogging, or running. Specifically the shape of the arch causes different levels of pronation in feet.PronationPronation is… … Wikipedia
foot — ► NOUN (pl. feet) 1) the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle, on which a person walks. 2) the base or bottom of something vertical. 3) the end of a bed where the occupant s feet normally rest. 4) a unit of linear measure equal to 12 inches … English terms dictionary
rest*/*/*/ — [rest] noun I 1) [singular] the part of something that remains, or the people or things that remain I m not really hungry – do you want the rest?[/ex] Rain will spread to the rest of the country by evening.[/ex] The rest of the attackers were in… … Dictionary for writing and speaking English
foot — [[t]f ʊt[/t]] ♦ feet 1) N COUNT Your feet are the parts of your body that are at the ends of your legs, and that you stand on. She stamped her foot again. ...a foot injury. ...his aching arms and sore feet. Derived words: footed COMB in ADJ She… … English dictionary
foot — n. & v. n. (pl. feet) 1 a the lower extremity of the leg below the ankle. b the part of a sock etc. covering the foot. 2 a the lower or lowest part of anything, e.g. a mountain, a page, stairs, etc. b the lower end of a table. c the end of a bed… … Useful english dictionary
Foot drill — “Troops who march in an irregular and disorderly manner are always in great danger of being defeated.” Vegetius: De Re Militari , circa A.D. 375 390A Foot Drill is an essential part of the military training regimen of today s armed forces. Foot… … Wikipedia
Foot — For other uses, see Foot (disambiguation). Foot … Wikipedia
Foot binding — A pair of shoes for bound feet … Wikipedia