Смотреть что такое "foodie" в других словарях:
Foodie — ist eine informelle Bezeichnung für eine bestimmte Gruppe von Feinschmeckern. Der Ausdruck erscheint erstmals in dem 1984 erschienenen Buch The Official Foodie Handbook von Paul Levy und Ann Barr.[1] Foodies sind in einer Minimaldefinition… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Foodie — is an informal term for a particular class of aficionado of food and drink. The word was coined in 1981 by Paul Levy and Ann Barr, who used it in the title of their 1984 book The Official Foodie Handbook . Distinguished from gourmet Although the… … Wikipedia
Foodie — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Foodie es un informal término inglés para una clase particular de aficionados a la comida y a la bebida. La palabra fue creada en 1984 por Paul Levy, Ann Barr y Mat Sloan para su libro, The Official Foodie Handbook… … Wikipedia Español
foodie — (n.) gourmet, 1982, from FOOD (Cf. food) + ie (see Y (Cf. y) (3)) … Etymology dictionary
foodie — [n] lover of food bon vivant, bon viveur, connoisseur, gastronome, glutton, gourmand, gourmet, hedonist, sensualist; concept 366 … New thesaurus
foodie — (also foody) ► NOUN (pl. foodies) informal ▪ a person with a strong interest in food; a gourmet … English terms dictionary
foodie — [fo͞o′dē] n. Slang a person having an enthusiastic interest in the preparation and consumption of fine foods, esp. in restaurants … English World dictionary
foodie — UK [ˈfuːdɪ] / US [ˈfudɪ] noun [countable] Word forms foodie : singular foodie plural foodies informal someone who enjoys eating or cooking different types of food and who talks a lot about food … English dictionary
foodie tour — noun A tour themed around locations where food or drink is manufactured or otherwise notable. Im going on a foodie tour to France this summer: more frogs legs for me! … Wiktionary
foodie — noun Date: 1982 a person having an avid interest in the latest food fads … New Collegiate Dictionary
foodie — /fooh dee/, n. Slang. a person keenly interested in food, esp. in eating or cooking. [FOOD + IE, perh. in part extracted from JUNKIE] * * * … Universalium