food equivalent

food equivalent
пищевой эквивалент

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "food equivalent" в других словарях:

  • Food energy — is the amount of energy obtained from food that is available through cellular respiration. Food energy is expressed in food calories (labeling: EU kcal, U.S. calories) or kilojoules (kJ). Food calories, or the calorie units used often in… …   Wikipedia

  • Food processing — is the set of methods and techniques used to transform raw ingredients into food or to transform food into other forms for consumption by humans or animals either in the home or by the food processing industry. Food processing typically takes… …   Wikipedia

  • food — (n.) O.E. foda food, nourishment; fuel, also figurative, from P.Gmc. *fodon (Cf. Goth. fodeins), from Germanic root *fod , equivalent of PIE *pa to tend, keep, pasture, to protect, to guard, to feed (Cf. Gk. pateisthai to feed; L. pabulum food,… …   Etymology dictionary

  • food preservation — Any method by which food is protected against spoilage by oxidation, bacteria, molds, and microorganisms. Traditional methods include dehydration, smoking, salting, controlled fermentation (including pickling), and candying; certain spices have… …   Universalium

  • Food and Agriculture Organization Corporate Statistical Database — The FAO Corporate Statistical Database was a multilingual on line database of statistics on agriculture, nutrition, fisheries, forestry, food aid, land use and population that is administered by the United Nations Food and Agriculture… …   Wikipedia

  • Food irradiation — The Radura logo, used to show a food has been treated with ionizing radiation. Food irradiation is the process of exposing food to ionizing radiation[1] to destroy microorganisms, bacteria, viruses, or ins …   Wikipedia

  • equivalent — 01. Some people believe that one year in the life of a human is [equivalent] to seven years in a cat s life. 02. At the present time, one American dollar is [equivalent] to approximately $1.35 Canadian. 03. It is sometimes difficult for me to… …   Grammatical examples in English

  • Food — For other uses, see Food (disambiguation). Part of a series on …   Wikipedia

  • Food Stamp Program — The US Food Stamp Program is a federal assistance program that provides food to low and no income people living in the United States. Benefits are distributed by the individual states, but the program is administered through the U.S. Department… …   Wikipedia

  • Food and Drug Administration — FDA redirects here. For other uses, see FDA (disambiguation). Food and Drug Administration Agency overview Formed 1906 …   Wikipedia

  • FOOD — The Biblical Period Diet in Ereẓ Israel during the biblical period was dependent mostly on the food supply of the closed agricultural economy. Most agricultural produce came from permanent settlements, and some wild plants were gathered, while… …   Encyclopedia of Judaism

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