- folk-etymology
- ˈfəukˌetɪˈmɔlədʒɪ сущ.;
линг. народная этимология n лингв. народная этимология
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
folk etymology — n. unscientific etymology; popular but incorrect notion of the origin and derivation of a word: folk etymology may bring about change, as in the case of “cole slaw” becoming “cold slaw” … English World dictionary
folk etymology — is ‘a popular modifying of the form of a word or phrase in order to make it seem to be derived from a more familiar word’. Examples are cockroach (from Spanish cucaracha), sparrow grass (a dialect and colloquial name for asparagus), and hiccough… … Modern English usage
Folk etymology — This article is about a technical term in linguistics. For incorrect popular etymologies, see false etymology. Folk etymology is change in a word or phrase over time resulting from the replacement of an unfamiliar form by a more familiar… … Wikipedia
folk etymology — noun a popular but erroneous etymology • Hypernyms: ↑etymology * * * ˈfolk etymology 7 [folk etymology] (also ˌpopular etyˈmology) noun … Useful english dictionary
folk etymology — folk′ etymol ogy n. 1) ling. a modification of a linguistic form according either to a falsely assumed etymology, as Welsh rarebit from Welsh rabbit, or to a historically irrelevant analogy, as bridegroom from bridegome[/ex] 2) ling. a popular… … From formal English to slang
folk etymology — noun a) A modification of a word resulting from a misunderstanding of its etymology, as with island, belfry, and hangnail. b) Such a misunderstanding; a false etymology that incorrectly explains the origin of a word. See Also: folk etymologize … Wiktionary
folk etymology — 1. a modification of a linguistic form according either to a falsely assumed etymology, as Welsh rarebit from Welsh rabbit, or to a historically irrelevant analogy, as bridegroom from bridegome. 2. a popular but false notion of the origin of a… … Universalium
folk etymology — /foʊk ɛtəˈmɒlədʒi/ (say fohk etuh moluhjee) noun 1. a modification of a linguistic form according to a falsely assumed etymology, as in Welsh rarebit from Welsh rabbit. 2. a popularly held but nevertheless untrue belief as to the origin of a word …
folk etymology — noun Date: 1882 the transformation of words so as to give them an apparent relationship to other better known or better understood words (as in the change of Spanish cucaracha to English cockroach) … New Collegiate Dictionary
folk etymology — noun 1》 a popular but mistaken account of the origin of a word or phrase. 2》 the process by which the form of an unfamiliar or foreign word is adapted to a more familiar form through popular usage … English new terms dictionary
folk — (n.) O.E. folc common people, laity; men; people, nation, tribe; multitude; troop, army, from P.Gmc. *folkom (Cf. O.Fris. folk, M.Du. volc, Ger. Volk people ), from P.Gmc. *fulka , perhaps originally host of warriors; Cf. O.N. folk people, also… … Etymology dictionary