folk medicine
Смотреть что такое "folk medicine" в других словарях:
folk medicine — fōk n traditional medicine as practiced esp. by people isolated from modern medical services and usu. involving the use of plant derived remedies on an empirical basis compare HOME REMEDY * * * the use of home remedies and procedures as handed… … Medical dictionary
folk medicine — n. the treatment of disease as practiced traditionally among the common people, involving esp. the use of herbs and other natural substances … English World dictionary
folk medicine — folk′ med icine n. hlc med health practices arising from cultural traditions, from empirical use of native remedies, esp. food substances, or from superstition • Etymology: 1895–1900 … From formal English to slang
folk medicine — noun Date: 1878 traditional medicine as practiced nonprofessionally especially by people isolated from modern medical services and usually involving the use of plant derived remedies on an empirical basis … New Collegiate Dictionary
folk medicine — noun : traditional medicine as practiced nonprofessionally by people isolated from modern medical services and involving especially the use of vegetable remedies on an empirical basis and the retention of outmoded theories … Useful english dictionary
folk medicine — health practices arising from superstition, cultural traditions, or empirical use of native remedies, esp. food substances. [1895 1900] * * * … Universalium
folk medicine — /ˈfoʊk mɛdəsən/ (say fohk meduhsuhn) noun the traditional cures for illness which are not administered by a medical practitioner …
medicine — Folk medicine is an accumulation of very diverse techniques and beliefs, on which many layers of cultural history have left a mark; it could never have been known in its entirety to any one community, let alone one individual. The two primary … A Dictionary of English folklore
medicine — Folk medicine was available (Jer. 8:22) but knowledge of physiology was rudimentary the heart was thought to be the seat of moral judgement [[➝ Judgement]] (Job 27:6; Deut. 2:30). Diagnosis was haphazard. Disease was regarded as connected with… … Dictionary of the Bible
medicine — 1. A drug. 2. The art of preventing or curing disease; the science concerned with disease in all its relations. 3. The study and treatment of general diseases or those affecting the internal parts of the body, especially those not usually… … Medical dictionary
Folk religion — For religions sometimes described as folk religions or ethnic religions , see Ethnic religion. Folk religion consists of ethnic or regional religious customs under the umbrella of an organized religion, but outside of official doctrine and… … Wikipedia