folding fan
Смотреть что такое "folding fan" в других словарях:
Fan — /fan, fahn/, n., pl. Fans, (esp. collectively) Fan. Fang. * * * I Rigid or folding handheld device used for cooling, air circulation, or ceremony or as a sartorial accessory throughout the world from ancient times. As evidenced by Egyptian… … Universalium
Fan — or FANS may refer to the following: Ventilation A device to agitate or move air or other gasThe human powered Fan (implement) is a hand held implement used by waving it back and forth.Motor powered Fans: mechanical fans such as oscillating fans,… … Wikipedia
Fan (implement) — A hand held fan is an implement used to induce an airflow for the purpose of cooling or refreshing oneself. Any broad, flat surface waved back and forth will create a small airflow and therefore can be considered a rudimentary fan. But generally … Wikipedia
fan — fan1 fanlike, adj. fanner, n. /fan/, n., v., fanned, fanning. n. 1. any device for producing a current of air by the movement of a broad surface or a number of such surfaces. 2. an implement of feathers, leaves, paper, cloth, etc., often in the… … Universalium
fan — A device which creates a breeze when moved. The shape of most hand held fans is distinctive, providing a surface or form for the work of artists and craftsmen of many cultures. The folding fan was probably invented in Japan in the 7th century … Glossary of Art Terms
fan — fan1 [fan] n. [ME fanne < OE fann < L vannus, basket for winnowing grain < IE base * wē , to blow, flutter > WIND2, WINNOW] 1. Historical a device for winnowing grain 2. any device or machine used to set up a current of air for… … English World dictionary
fan — Ⅰ. fan [1] ► NOUN 1) an apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation. 2) a hand held device, typically folding and circular, that is waved so as to cool the user. ► VERB (fanned, fanning) 1) cool by… … English terms dictionary
fan — 1. n. & v. n. 1 an apparatus, usu. with rotating blades, giving a current of air for ventilation etc. 2 a device, usu. folding and forming a semicircle when spread out, for agitating the air to cool oneself. 3 anything spread out like a fan, e.g … Useful english dictionary
fan — fan1 noun 1》 an apparatus with rotating blades that creates a current of air for cooling or ventilation. 2》 a hand held device, typically folding and shaped like a segment of a circle when spread out, that is waved so as to cool the user. 3》 a… … English new terms dictionary
FAN — a light hand implement used to cause a draught of cool air to play upon the face; there are two kinds, the folding and non folding; the latter, sometimes large and fixed on a pole, were known to the ancients, the former were invented by the… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
Fan folding — Фальцовка гармошкой … Краткий толковый словарь по полиграфии