fold hinge
Смотреть что такое "fold hinge" в других словарях:
Fold (geology) — For other uses, see Fold (disambiguation). Very tight folds. Formation near Moruya, New South Wales, Australia … Wikipedia
Hinge — For the surname, see Hinge (surname). For the philatelic term, see Stamp hinge. A barrel hinge A hinge is a type of bearing that connects two solid objects, typically allowing only a limited angle of rotation between them. Two objects connected… … Wikipedia
hinge joint — (Subclass Copepoda): In male, modified joint in midregion of geniculate type of antennule to fold down on basal half, antennule serves as grasping organ during copulation [Stachowitsch, 1992] … Crustacea glossary
Detachment fold — A detachment fold occurs as layer parallel thrusting along a detachment fault develops without upward propagation of a fault; the accommodation of the strain produced by thrusting results in the folding of the overlying rock units. As a visual… … Wikipedia
bi-fold door — noun an interior door • Hypernyms: ↑interior door • Part Meronyms: ↑hinge, ↑flexible joint … Useful english dictionary
Carbonate hosted lead zinc ore deposits — World wide distribution of MVT deposits, (red), clastic sediment hosted (green), and unclassified (blue) lead zinc deposits. Source: USGS Carbonate hosted lead zinc ore deposits are important and highly valuable concentrations of lead and zinc… … Wikipedia
Millennium Master — Master Role Tandem seat ultralight National origin Italy Manufacturer Millennium Aircraft (Compact Compositi srl), Turin First flight 27 May 2006 The Millennium Master is a low wing, single engine, tandem two seat ultralight aircraft,… … Wikipedia
Insect morphology — Legend of body parts Tagmata : A Head, B Thorax, C Abdomen. 1. antenna 2. ocelli (lower) 3. ocelli (upper) 4. compound eye 5. brain (cerebral ganglia) 6. prothorax … Wikipedia
Folding bicycle — [ thumb|A Brompton Bicycle, a type of folding bicycle] A folding bicycle or folder is a type of bicycle that incorporates hinges or joints in the frame and handlebar stem that permit it to be broken down into a more compact size. As well, most… … Wikipedia
bivalve — bivalvular /buy val vyeuh leuhr/, adj. /buy valv /, n. 1. Also called lamellibranch. Zool. any mollusk, as the oyster, clam, scallop, or mussel, of the class Bivalvia, having two shells hinged together, a soft body, and lamellate gills. adj. 2.… … Universalium
Insect wing — Original veins and wing posture of a dragonfly. Hoverflies hovering to mate … Wikipedia