- focusing-electrode tool
- прибор каротажа сопротивления с фокусировкой тока;
прибор бокового микрокаротажа
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Chronic electrode implants — are electronic devices implanted into the brain. They may record electrical impulses in the brain or they may stimulate neurons with electrical impulses from an external source. Contents 1 Clinical applications and direction 1.1 Clinical… … Wikipedia
прибор бокового микрокаротажа — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN focusing electrode tool … Справочник технического переводчика
прибор каротажа сопротивления с фокусировкой тока — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN focusing electrode tool … Справочник технического переводчика
mass spectrometry — or mass spectroscopy Analytic technique by which chemical substances are identified by sorting gaseous ions by mass using electric and magnetic fields. A mass spectrometer uses electrical means to detect the sorted ions, while a mass spectrograph … Universalium
steel — steellike, adj. /steel/, n. 1. any of various modified forms of iron, artificially produced, having a carbon content less than that of pig iron and more than that of wrought iron, and having qualities of hardness, elasticity, and strength varying … Universalium
Formation evaluation — In petroleum exploration and development, formation evaluation is used to determine the ability of a borehole to produce petroleum. Essentially, it is the process of recognizing a commercial well when you drill one .Modern rotary drilling usually … Wikipedia
Brain–computer interface — Neuropsychology Topics Brain computer interface … Wikipedia
Mercury (element) — gold ← mercury → thallium Cd ↑ Hg ↓ Cn … Wikipedia
Mathematics and Physical Sciences — ▪ 2003 Introduction Mathematics Mathematics in 2002 was marked by two discoveries in number theory. The first may have practical implications; the second satisfied a 150 year old curiosity. Computer scientist Manindra Agrawal of the… … Universalium
Acid dissociation constant — Acetic acid, a weak acid, donates a proton (hydrogen ion, high … Wikipedia
microscope — /muy kreuh skohp /, n. 1. an optical instrument having a magnifying lens or a combination of lenses for inspecting objects too small to be seen or too small to be seen distinctly and in detail by the unaided eye. 2. (cap.) Astron. the… … Universalium