foam catcher
Смотреть что такое "foam catcher" в других словарях:
foam catcher — putų rinktuvė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gaudyklė putoms iš medžiagos srauto surinkti. atitikmenys: angl. foam catcher rus. пеноуловитель … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
Catcher — is also a general term for a fielder who catches the ball in cricket. Catcher is a position played in baseball. The catcher crouches behind home plate and receives the ball from the pitcher. In the numbering system used to record defensive plays … Wikipedia
putų rinktuvė — statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gaudyklė putoms iš medžiagos srauto surinkti. atitikmenys: angl. foam catcher rus. пеноуловитель … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
пеноуловитель — putų rinktuvė statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Gaudyklė putoms iš medžiagos srauto surinkti. atitikmenys: angl. foam catcher rus. пеноуловитель … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
List of Canada's Worst Handyman 2 episodes — This is a list of episodes from Canada s Worst Handyman 2 , the second season of the Canadian television series that seeks to find the worst handyman in the country. Airdates listed are the first air dates on Discovery Channel Canada the date of… … Wikipedia
National Beep Baseball Association — The National Beep Baseball Association NBBA was organized in 1976 for visually impaired adults to play baseball. Each year the NBBA coordinates local, state, and regional tournaments, not least among them the Indy Invitational in Indianapolis,… … Wikipedia
Ice hockey goaltending equipment — In ice hockey, the goaltender wears specialized goaltending equipment to protect him from the impact of the puck and assist him in making saves.Most modern goaltending equipment is made from the same basic materials: hydrophobic synthetic leather … Wikipedia
Sparkling wine — Frizzante redirects here, for the racehorse, see Frizzante (horse). A glass of Champagne. Sparkling wine is a wine with significant levels of carbon dioxide in it making it fizzy. The carbon dioxide may result from natural fermentation, either in … Wikipedia
Steam locomotive — A steam locomotive is a locomotive powered by steam. The term usually refers to its use on railways, but can also refer to a road locomotive such as a traction engine or steamroller.Steam locomotives dominated rail traction from the mid 19th… … Wikipedia
Cyberman — This article is about the Doctor Who villains. For the film about Steve Mann, see Cyberman (film). Doctor Who alien The 2006 redesign of the Cybermen … Wikipedia
Baseball cap — A baseball cap is a type of soft cap with a long, stiffened and curved bill. The back of the cap may have a plastic, Velcro, or elastic adjuster so that it can be quickly adjusted to fit different wearers. While the baseball cap is specifically… … Wikipedia