- flyblow
- (сленг) внебрачный ребенок;
побочный сын, побочная дочь яйцо мухи (в мясе) откладывать яйца (о мухе) портить, пятнать flyblow откладывать яйца (о мухе) ~ яйцо мухи (в мясе)
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Flyblow — Fly blow , v. t. To deposit eggs upon, as a flesh fly does on meat; to cause to be maggoty; hence, to taint or contaminate, as if with flyblows. Bp. Srillingfleet. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flyblow — Fly blow , n. (Zo[ o]l.) One of the eggs or young larv[ae] deposited by a flesh fly, or blowfly. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flyblow — [flī′blō΄] n. a blowfly s egg or larva vt., vi. flyblew, flyblown, flyblowing 1. to deposit flyblows in (meat, etc.) 2. to contaminate; spoil; taint … English World dictionary
flyblow — fly·blow .blō vt, blew; blown to deposit eggs or young larvae of a flesh fly or blowfly in flyblow n FLY STRIKE … Medical dictionary
flyblow — n. egg or young larvae deposited by blowfly; maggot v. deposit larva or flyblow on (meat or other food); contaminate; taint … English contemporary dictionary
flyblow — an illegitimate child Punning on the deposit of eggs left in meat by flies, and the taint: She is still a bairn. And the flyblow of the system. (Cookson, 1969 her autobiography was largely about her own illegitimacy) … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
flyblow — I. noun Date: 1556 fly strike II. transitive verb ( blew; blown) Date: 1603 1. taint, contaminate 2. to deposit eggs or young larvae of a flesh fly or blowfly in … New Collegiate Dictionary
flyblow — /fluy bloh /, v., flyblew, flyblown, flyblowing, n. v.t. 1. to deposit eggs or larvae on (meat or other food). n. 2. one of the eggs or young larvae of a blowfly, deposited on meat or other food. [1550 60; FLY2 + BLOW2] * * * … Universalium
flyblow — noun The larva of the blowfly, especially when found on rotten meat … Wiktionary
flyblow — fly•blow [[t]ˈflaɪˌbloʊ[/t]] v. blew, blown, blow•ing, n. 1) ent to deposit eggs or larvae on (meat or other food) 2) ent one of the eggs or young larvae of a blowfly, deposited on food • Etymology: 1550–60 … From formal English to slang
flyblow — /ˈflaɪbloʊ/ (say fluybloh) verb (t) (flyblew, flyblown, flyblowing) 1. to deposit eggs or larvae on (meat). –noun 2. the egg or young larva (maggot) of a blowfly, deposited on meat, etc …