- fly-larvae
- pl личинки мух
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Fly — For other uses, see fly (disambiguation) and flies (disambiguation). Fly Temporal range: Middle Triassic Recent 245–0 Ma … Wikipedia
fly — A two winged insect in the order Diptera. Important flies include Simulium (black f.), Calliphora (bluebottle f.), Piophila casei (cheese f.), Chrysops (deer f.), Siphona irritans (horn f.), Fannia scolaris (latrine f.), Oestrus ovis and… … Medical dictionary
fly — n. a two winged insect belonging to a large group called the Diptera. The mouthparts of flies are adapted for sucking and sometimes also for piercing and biting. Fly larvae (maggots) may infest human tissues and cause disease (see myiasis) … The new mediacal dictionary
Fly fishing — in a river Fly fishing is an angling method in which an artificial fly is used to catch fish. The fly is cast using a fly rod, reel, and specialized weighted line. Casting a nearly weightless fly or lure requires casting techniques significantly… … Wikipedia
fly-tying — fly ty·ing (flīʹtī ĭng) n. The art or hobby of making artificial fishing flies. flyʹ ti er ( tī ər) n. * * * ▪ fishing the hobby or business of imitating the live food of gamefish by attaching various materials to a hook. Most often used… … Universalium
Fly-specked hardyhead — Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii … Wikipedia
fly|blown — «FLY BLOHN», adjective. 1. tainted by the eggs or larvae of flies. 2. Figurative. spoiled; tainted; corrupted … Useful english dictionary
fly|blow — «FLY BLOH», noun, verb, blew, blown, blow|ing. –n. the egg or young larva of a blowfly deposited especially in or on meat. –v.t. 1. to deposit eggs or larvae in or on (especially meat). 2. Figurative. to oil; taint; … Useful english dictionary
fly — I. verb (flew; flown; flying) Etymology: Middle English flien, from Old English flēogan; akin to Old High German fliogan to fly and probably to Old English flōwan to flow Date: before 12th century intransitive verb 1. a. to move in or pass… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Melon fly — Adult melon fly Scientific classification Kingdom: Animalia … Wikipedia
blow fly — any of numerous dipterous insects of the family Calliphoridae that deposit their eggs or larvae on carrion, excrement, etc., or in wounds of living animals. Also, blowfly. [1815 25] * * * ▪ insect also spelled blowfly, any member in a family… … Universalium