- fluvioglacial
1) флювиогляциальный
2) водноледниковый
3) водно-ледниковый
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
fluvioglacial — lit. of a meltwater river. Important when distinguishing fluvioglacial landforms … Geography glossary
Fluvioglacial landform — Fluvioglacial landforms are landforms moulded by glacial meltwater. This discharge of glacial streams, both supraglacial and subglacial, is higher in the warmer summer months. As the water often flows under pressure, it has a high velocity and is … Wikipedia
fluvioglacial deposits — fliuvioglacialinės nuosėdos statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Ledyno tirpsmo vandenų srautų suklotos sluoksniuotos nuosėdos, susidariusios iš gargždo, žvirgždo ir įstrižai sluoksniuoto įvairiagrūdžio smėlio. atitikmenys: angl … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
fluvioglacial — adjective Describing a stream formed from glacial meltwater … Wiktionary
fluvioglacial — adjective Geology relating to or denoting erosion or deposition caused by flowing meltwater from glaciers or ice sheets … English new terms dictionary
fluvioglacial — flu·vio·glacial … English syllables
fluvioglacial — /ˌfluvioʊˈgleɪʃəl/ (say .floohveeoh glayshuhl) adjective relating to streams flowing from glaciers or to the deposits made by such streams. {Latin fluvius river + o + glacial} …
fluvioglacial — adj. of or caused by streams from glacial ice, or the combined action of rivers and glaciers … Useful english dictionary
fluvioglacial landforms — meltwater transports and deposits material both in and adjacent to glacial environments. These deposits may be left behind after glacial retreat. They are characterized by sorted deposits showing their origins in water (see stokes law) … Geography glossary
fluvioglacial drift — noun : drift transported by waters emanating from a glacier … Useful english dictionary
River Irwell — Geobox|River name = River Irwell native name = other name = other name1 = image size = image caption = The River Irwell at Salford, looking towards Manchester City Centre etymology = country = England country1 = state = state1 = region = region1 … Wikipedia