fluvial hydraulics
Смотреть что такое "fluvial hydraulics" в других словарях:
fluvial process — ▪ geology the physical interaction of flowing water and the natural channels of rivers (river) and streams. Such processes play an essential and conspicuous role in the denudation of land surfaces and the transport of rock detritus from… … Universalium
TORRICELLI — ITALY (see also List of Individuals) 13.9.1855 Scandiano/I 30.1.1930 Scandiano/I Giacomo Torricelli was educated in hydraulics by Ildebrando Nazzani (1846 1931) and stayed after his graduation in 1880 for seven years as an assistant at the… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
RĂZVAN — ROMANIA (see also List of Individuals) 23.8.1926 Bucureşti/RO 15.12.1992 Delft/NL After graduation as hydraulic engineer at Leningrad University, Ernest Răzvan joined the Bucharest Institute of Hydrotechnical Research. In the mid 1960s, Răzvan… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
River — For other uses, see River (disambiguation). The Tigris River near Hasankeyf, in southeastern Turkey … Wikipedia
ZEGZHDA — RUSSIA (see also List of Individuals) 19.3.1900 Spasskoe/RU 14.5.1955 Leningrad/RU Aleksei Petrovich Zegzhda graduated in 1929 from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute LPI as a civil engineer, there submitted in 1937 a PhD thesis and gained the… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
BLOCKMANS — BELGIUM (see also List of Individuals) 19.9.1892 Koersel/B 17.6.1972 Vilrijk/USA John Blockmans initiated his civil engineering studies at Delft University and graduated after war service in 1920 at University of Gent. He left in 1922 for the… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
SUMBAL — CZECH REPUBLIC AND SLOVAKIA (see also List of Individuals) 31.3.1930 Bratislava/CR 7.6.1999 Bratislava/SK Jaroslav Sumbal graduated in civil engineering from the Slovak Technical University SVST Bratislava, and from 1953 to 1997 worked in the… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
KÖRNER — GERMANY (see also List of Individuals) 28.9.1886 Göttingen/D 28.6.1973 Hannover/D Burchard Körner graduated as a civil engineer from Hannover Technical University in 1911 to join the Corps of Roads and Water until 1919, during which time he had… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000
Albert F. Shields — Albert Frank Shields (* 26. Juni 1908; † 1. Juli 1974[1]) war ein US amerikanischer Ingenieur. Er stammte aus Ohio, machte seinen Abschluss am Stevens Institute of Technology und ging 1933 für seine Doktorarbeit nach Berlin an die Preussische… … Deutsch Wikipedia
речная гидравлика — Раздел гидравлики, в котором рассматриваются вопросы движения воды в речных потоках, перемещение ими наносов и процессы формирования русла. [ГОСТ 19179 73] Тематики гидрология суши Обобщающие термины русловые процессы EN fluvial hydraulics DE… … Справочник технического переводчика
HECKE — BELGIUM (see also List of Individuals) 29.11.1881 Zottegem/B 11.4.1959 Woluwe/B Albert van Hecke graduated from Ghent University and stayed then at Berlin University to conduct an experimental study on a port project. The result was a book on… … Hydraulicians in Europe 1800-2000