Смотреть что такое "flutist" в других словарях:
Flutist — Flut ist, n. [Cf. F. fl[^u]tiste.] A performer on the flute; a flautist. Busby. [1913 Webster] 2. To move with quick vibrations or undulations; as, a sail flutters in the wind; a fluttering fan. [1913 Webster] 3. To move about briskly,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flutist — c.1600, probably from Fr. flûtiste; replaced M.E. flouter (early 13c., from O.Fr. flauteor) and is preferred in U.S. The British preference is FLAUTIST (Cf. flautist) (q.v.), a Continental reborrowing that returns the original diphthong … Etymology dictionary
flutist — ► NOUN US ▪ a flute player. ORIGIN Italian flautista, from flauto flute … English terms dictionary
flutist — [flo͞ot′ist] n. a person who plays the flute; flautist … English World dictionary
flutist — UK [ˈfluːtɪst] / US [ˈflutɪst] noun [countable] Word forms flutist : singular flutist plural flutists American a flautist … English dictionary
flutist — flautist, flutist Flutist is the older term (17c) for a player of the flute, and is still preferred in AmE. Flautist was adapted from the Italian word flautista in 1860, and is now the more usual form in BrE … Modern English usage
flutist — flut|ist [ flutıst ] noun count AMERICAN see FLUTE … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
flutist — [[t]flu͟ːtɪst[/t]] flutists N COUNT A flutist is someone who plays the flute. [AM] (in BRIT, use flautist) … English dictionary
Flutist Wren — Illustration (lower bird) Conservation status … Wikipedia
flutist wren — paprastoji fleitinė karietaitė statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Microcerculus ustulatus angl. flutist wren vok. Flötenzaunkönig, m rus. обыкновенный крапивник флейтист, m pranc. troglodyte flûtiste, m ryšiai: platesnis… … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
flutist — noun Date: 1603 one who plays a flute … New Collegiate Dictionary