Смотреть что такое "fluoran" в других словарях:
Fluoran — refers to a class of organic chemicals that have the structure of spiro [isobenzofuran 1,9 xanthen] 3 one. [Hatano, Y. The chemistry of fluoran leuco dyes in Chemistry and Applications of Leuco Dyes , Ed. R. Muthyala, Plenum Press 1997]… … Wikipedia
Fluoran — Flu|o|ran [↑ Fluor u. ↑ an (1)], das; svw. ↑ Fluorwasserstoff … Universal-Lexikon
Thermochromism — is the ability of substance to change color due to a change in temperature. A mood ring is an excellent example of this, but it has many other uses. Thermochromism is one of several types of chromism.The two basic approaches are based on liquid… … Wikipedia
Thermal printer — For the type of printer which uses sparks and aluminised paper (and is sometimes referred to as a thermal printer ), see spark printer. Part of a series on the History of printing … Wikipedia
Thermal paper — is paper that is impregnated with a chemical that changes color when exposed to heat. It is used in thermal printers and particularly in cheap, lightweight devices such as adding machines, cash registers, and credit card terminals.The paper is… … Wikipedia
Fluorwasserstoff — Strukturformel Allgemeines Name Fluorwasserstoff Andere Namen … Deutsch Wikipedia
Fluorwasserstoff — Flu|or|wạs|ser|stoff 〈m. 1; Chem.〉 farbloses, stechend riechendes Gas, als wässerige Lösung Flusssäure od. Fluorwasserstoffsäure genannt * * * Flu|or|was|ser|stoff; Syn.: (systematisch:) Fluoran, (internat. empfohlen:) Hydrogenfluorid: HF;… … Universal-Lexikon