
1. сущ.;
1) падение с глухим шумом
2) глухой шум, стук (при падении)
2. гл.;
1) падать или тяжело двигаться, производя глухой шум He flumped down into the chair. ≈ Он тяжело опустился в кресло.
2) опускать, ронять что-л. с глухим шумом, стуком (разговорное) падать с глухим стуком (разговорное) бросать, ставить (что-л.) с глухим звуком, стуком flump глухой шум, стук ~ падать с глухим шумом ~ ставить, бросать (что-л.) на пол с глухим шумом, стуком

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flump" в других словарях:

  • flump — [flump] vt., vi. [prob. echoic] to drop or move heavily and noisily n. the act or sound of flumping …   English World dictionary

  • flump — /flump/, v.i., v.t. 1. to plump down suddenly or heavily; flop. n. 2. the act or sound of flumping. [1810 20; b. of FLOP + PLUMP] * * * …   Universalium

  • flump — I. Etymology: imitative Date: 1729 intransitive verb to move or fall suddenly and heavily < flumped down into the chair > transitive verb to place or drop with a flump II. noun Date: 1767 a dull heavy sound (as of a fall) …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • flump — Synonyms and related words: bump, cave, cave in, chink, click, clink, clop, clump, clunk, crump, decline, droop, dull thud, flick, flop, flop down, flump down, founder, give way, go down, lapse, lower, pad, pat, patter, pitapat, pitter patter,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • flump — /flʌmp/ (say flump) Colloquial –verb (i) 1. to plump down suddenly or heavily; flop. –verb (t) 2. to set or throw down with a dull noise. –noun 3. act or sound of flumping. {blend of fall and plump2} …  

  • Flump (sweet) — A Flump is a British sweet made of marshmallow. The sweet is a combination of both pink and yellow marshmallow, which has the appearance of a twisted helix. The Flump sweets are sold in the United Kingdom and are made by the confectioner Bassett… …   Wikipedia

  • flump down — verb fall heavily • Syn: ↑flump • Hypernyms: ↑drop • Verb Frames: Something s Something is ing PP The branches flump down from the trees …   Useful english dictionary

  • flump — 1. verb a) to move or fall heavily, or with a dull sound b) to drop something heavily or with a dull sound 2. noun the dull sound so produ …   Wiktionary

  • flump — n. flop; dull heavy sound; sound or act of flumping v. flop; fall down heavily, fall with a thud; plump down suddenly …   English contemporary dictionary

  • flump — verb fall, sit, or throw down heavily. noun the action or sound of a heavy fall. Origin C17: imitative …   English new terms dictionary

  • flump — v. & n. v. (often foll. by down) 1 intr. fall or move heavily. 2 tr. set or throw down with a heavy thud. n. the action or sound of flumping. Etymology: imit …   Useful english dictionary

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