fluid-operated pump

fluid-operated pump
гидравлический глубинный насос

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fluid-operated pump" в других словарях:

  • Pump — For information on Wikipedia project related discussions, see . A pump is a device used to move gases, liquids or slurries. A pump moves liquids or gases from lower pressure to higher pressure, and overcomes this difference in pressure by adding… …   Wikipedia

  • wobble pump — A hand operated fluid pressure pump for moving fluids such as gasoline, hydraulic fluid, or oil by a back and forth movement of the pump handle. The most common use is in a reciprocating engine where the wobble pump is used to build up fuel… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Hand pump — This article is about water and air pumps. For the beer dispensing device, see Beer engine. A rural handpump in Belgium. Hand pumps are manually operated pumps; they use human power and mechanical advantage to move fluids or air from one place to …   Wikipedia

  • Diffusion pump — Six inch oil diffusion pump. Diffusion pumps use a high speed jet of vapor to direct gas molecules in the pump throat down into the bottom of the pump and out the exhaust. Presented in 1915 by Wolfgang Gaede[1] and using mercury vapor, they were… …   Wikipedia

  • Downton pump — The Downton pump is type of positive displacement pump patented in 1825 by Jonathan Downton. It was typically used on ships.[1] The design of the Downton pump sought to create a more constant flow of pumped liquid, and a steadier load state on… …   Wikipedia

  • Steam pump — Steam Steam (st[=e]m), n. [OE. stem, steem, vapor, flame, AS. ste[ a]m vapor, smoke, odor; akin to D. stoom steam, perhaps originally, a pillar, or something rising like a pillar; cf. Gr. sty ein to erect, sty^los a pillar, and E. stand.] 1. The… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Windshield washer fluid — (also called windshield wiper fluid, wiper fluid, or screen wash) is a fluid for motor vehicles that is used in cleaning the windshield while the vehicle is being driven.Delivery systemA control within the car can be operated to squirt fluid onto …   Wikipedia

  • Circulator pump — A circulator pump is a specific type of pump used to circulate gases, liquids, or slurries in a closed circuit. They are commonly found circulating water in a hydronic heating or cooling system. Because they only circulate liquid within a closed… …   Wikipedia

  • heat pump — noun apparatus that extracts heat from a liquid that is at a higher temperature than its surroundings; can be used to transfer heat from a reservoir outside in order to heat a building • Hypernyms: ↑apparatus, ↑setup * * * noun : a device for… …   Useful english dictionary

  • гидравлический глубинный насос — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN fluid operated pumpfluid operated pump …   Справочник технического переводчика

  • environment — environmental, adj. environmentally, adv. /en vuy reuhn meuhnt, vuy euhrn /, n. 1. the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; surroundings; milieu. 2. Ecol. the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors… …   Universalium

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