fluid-flow conditions

fluid-flow conditions
условия течения флюидов (в действующей скважине)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fluid-flow conditions" в других словарях:

  • Flow measurement — is the quantification of bulk fluid movement. Flow can be measured in a variety of ways. Positive displacement flow meters acumulate a fixed volume of fluid and then count the number of times the volume is filled to measure flow. Other flow… …   Wikipedia

  • fluid mechanics — an applied science dealing with the basic principles of gaseous and liquid matter. Cf. fluid dynamics. [1940 45] * * * Study of the effects of forces and energy on liquids and gases. One branch of the field, hydrostatics, deals with fluids at… …   Universalium

  • Fluid dynamics — Continuum mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • Fluid mechanics — Continuum mechanics …   Wikipedia

  • fluid — fluidal, adj. fluidly, fluidally, adv. fluidness, n. /flooh id/, n. 1. a substance, as a liquid or gas, that is capable of flowing and that changes its shape at a steady rate when acted upon by a force tending to change its shape. adj. 2.… …   Universalium

  • Flow separation — All solid objects travelling through a fluid (or alternatively a stationary object exposed to a moving fluid) acquire a boundary layer of fluid around them where viscous forces occur in the layer of fluid close to the solid surface. Boundary… …   Wikipedia

  • Fluid statics — (also called hydrostatics) is the science of fluids at rest, and is a sub field within fluid mechanics. The term usually refers to the mathematical treatment of the subject. It embraces the study of the conditions under which fluids are at rest… …   Wikipedia

  • Flow chemistry — In flow chemistry, a chemical reaction is run in a continuously flowing stream rather than in batch production. In other words, pumps move fluid into a tube, and where tubes join one another, the fluids contact one another. If these fluids are… …   Wikipedia

  • Flow cytometry — Analysis of a marine sample of photosynthetic picoplankton by flow cytometry showing three different populations (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotes) Flow cytometry (abbreviated: FCM) is a technique for counting and examining… …   Wikipedia

  • Fluid coupling — A fluid coupling is a hydrodynamic device used to transmit rotating mechanical power. It has been used in automobile transmissions as an alternative to a mechanical clutch. It also has widespread application in marine and industrial machine… …   Wikipedia

  • fluid-bed catalyst — Any catalyst used in a fluidized bed. When gas is allowed to flow upward through container filled with fine powder at a sufficient velocity, the gas solid mix exhibits the properties of a boiling liquid. Catalysis under these conditions can be… …   Petroleum refining glossary

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