- fluid pumping-out
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Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Fluid bearing — Fluid bearings are bearings which solely support the bearing s loads on a thin layer of liquid or gas.They can be broadly classified as fluid dynamic bearings, hydrostatic or gas bearings. They are frequently used in high load, high speed or high … Wikipedia
Drilling fluid — This article is about fluids used when drilling a well. For fluids used with drill bits during metal working, see cutting fluid. Driller pouring a foaming agent down the rod string on a drilling rig In geotechnical engineering, drilling fluid is… … Wikipedia
Supercritical fluid extraction — (SFE) is the process of separating one component (the extractant) from another (the matrix) using supercritical fluids as the extracting solvent. Extraction is usually from a solid matrix, but can also be from liquids. SFE can be used as a sample … Wikipedia
Cutting fluid — Thin wall milling of aluminum using a water based cutting fluid on the milling cutter. Cutting fluid is a type of coolant and lubricant designed specifically for metalworking and machining processes. There are various kinds of cutting fluids,… … Wikipedia
Interstitial fluid — (or tissue fluid) is a solution which bathes and surrounds the cells of multicellular animals. It is the main component of the extracellular fluid, which also includes plasma and transcellular fluid.On average, a person has about 11 litres (2.4… … Wikipedia
откачивание жидкости (из скважины) — — [http://slovarionline.ru/anglo russkiy slovar neftegazovoy promyishlennosti/] Тематики нефтегазовая промышленность EN dry up jobfluid pumping out … Справочник технического переводчика
pump — pump1 pumpable, adj. pumpless, adj. pumplike, adj. /pump/, n. 1. an apparatus or machine for raising, driving, exhausting, or compressing fluids or gases by means of a piston, plunger, or set of rotating vanes. 2. Engin., Building Trades. a shore … Universalium
Countercurrent exchange — Counter heat current exchange: Note the gradually declining differential and that the once hot and cold streams exit at the reversed temperature difference; the hotter entering stream becomes the exiting cooler stream and vice versa.… … Wikipedia
gas — gasless, adj. /gas/, n., pl. gases, v., gassed, gassing. n. 1. Physics. a substance possessing perfect molecular mobility and the property of indefinite expansion, as opposed to a solid or liquid. 2. any such fluid or mixture of fluids. 3. any… … Universalium
Petroleum — For other uses, see Petroleum (disambiguation). Proven world oil reserves, 2009 … Wikipedia
Ionocraft — [ thumb|right|A simple ionocraft, generating 15 gF (0.147 newtons) of thrust at 54 kV] An ionocraft or ion propelled aircraft, commonly known as a lifter, is an electrohydrodynamic device (utilizing an electrical phenomenon known as the… … Wikipedia