
ˈflʌfɪ прил.
1) пушистый, мягкий как пух;
взбитый fluffy mohair jumper ≈ пушистый мохеровый свитер fluffy little kitten ≈ пушистенький котенок Beat the eggs and sugar until they are fluffy. ≈ Взбивай яйца и сахар, пока они не взобьются в пену. Syn : downy, furry
2) сл. а) забывчивый б) нетвердо стоящий на ногах, пьяный пушистый, мягкий;
ворсистый - * carpet пушистый ковер - * whickers пушистые бакенбарды или усы - * summer dress воздушное летнее платье - * omelet пышный омлет (сленг) плохо знающий роль;
сбивающийся, оговаривающийся (сленг) нетрезвый;
подвыпивший (сленг) неустойчивый, ненадежный, легковесный fluffy a sl забывчивый ~ a sl нетвердо стоящий на ногах, пьяный ~ пушистый;

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "fluffy" в других словарях:

  • Fluffy — is an adjective that is a near synonym of soft . It may also refer to:* Fluffy (band), a punk band from the mid 1990s. * Fluffy the English Vampire Slayer, a fan film that parodies the Buffy the Vampire Slayer TV series …   Wikipedia

  • Fluffy — Fluff y, a. [Compar. {Fluffier}; superl. {Fluffiest}.] Pertaining to, or resembling, fluff or nap; soft and downy. The carpets were fluffy. Thackeray. [1913 Webster] The present Barnacle . . . had a youthful aspect, and the fluffiest little… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • fluffy — 1825, from FLUFF (Cf. fluff) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Related: Fluffiness …   Etymology dictionary

  • fluffy — [adj] soft, furry creamy, downy, featherlike, feathery, fleecy, flocculent, flossy, gossamer, linty, pile, silky, velutinous; concept 606 Ant. coarse, rough, smooth …   New thesaurus

  • fluffy — ► ADJECTIVE (fluffier, fluffiest) 1) of, like, or covered with fluff. 2) (of food) light in texture. 3) informal frivolous, silly, or vague. DERIVATIVES fluffily adverb fluffiness noun …   English terms dictionary

  • fluffy — [fluf′ē] adj. fluffier, fluffiest 1. soft and light like fluff; feathery 2. covered with fluff 3. frothy; foamy fluffiness n …   English World dictionary

  • fluffy — UK [ˈflʌfɪ] / US adjective Word forms fluffy : adjective fluffy comparative fluffier superlative fluffiest 1) a) covered with very soft hair or feathers fluffy kittens b) made of something very soft such as wool a fluffy jumper 2) food that is… …   English dictionary

  • fluffy — fluff|y [ˈflʌfi] adj 1.) very light and soft to touch ▪ a fluffy little kitten ▪ fluffy towels 2.) food that is fluffy is made soft and light by mixing it quickly so that a lot of air is mixed into it ▪ Cream the butter and sugar until the… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • fluffy — [[t]flʌ̱fi[/t]] fluffier, fluffiest 1) ADJ GRADED If you describe something such as a towel or a toy animal as fluffy, you mean that it is very soft. ...fluffy white towels... It s a very fluffy kind of wool. Syn: soft 2) ADJ GRADED A cake or… …   English dictionary

  • Fluffy — In diesem Artikel werden wichtige Tiere und Tierwesen aus den sieben Bänden der Harry Potter Romanreihe von Joanne K. Rowling beschrieben. In Klammern steht jeweils die englische Bezeichnung, wie sie in der englischsprachigen Originalausgabe der… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • fluffy — fluff|y [ flʌfi ] adjective 1. ) covered with very soft hair or feathers: fluffy kittens a ) made of something very soft such as wool: a fluffy sweater 2. ) food that is fluffy is soft and light because it contains a lot of air: a fluffy cake ╾… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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