Смотреть что такое "fluc" в других словарях:
fluc — fluc·tu·ant; fluc·tu·ate; fluc·tu·at·ing·ly; fluc·tu·a·tion; fluc·tu·a·tion·al; … English syllables
fluc|tu|ant — «FLUHK chu uhnt», adjective. fluctuating; varying. ╂[< Latin flūctuāns, antis, present participle of flūctuāre; see etym. under fluctuate (Cf. ↑fluctuate)] … Useful english dictionary
fluc|tu|ate — «FLUHK chu ayt», verb, at|ed, at|ing. –v.i. 1. to rise and fall; change continually; vary irregularly; waver: »Prices fluctuate. The temperature fluctuates from day to day. The needle on the scale fluctuates between 125 and 126 pounds. Figurative … Useful english dictionary
fluc|tu|a|tion — «FLUHK chu AY shuhn», noun. 1. the act or process of rising and falling; continual change; irregular variation; wavering. SYNONYM(S): vacillation. 2. a wavelike motion … Useful english dictionary
FLUC — filius Lucensis … Abbreviations in Latin Inscriptions
fluc·tu·ate — … Useful english dictionary
sem|i|fluc|tu|at|ing — «SEHM ee FLUHK chu AY tihng», adjective. Medicine. (of a tumor or other process) giving a sensation of elasticity when tapped … Useful english dictionary
sol|i|fluc|tion — or sol|i|flux|ion «SOL uh FLUHK shuhn», noun. the downward movement of soil and rock on the face of the earth, caused by the action of the weather. ╂[< Latin solum ground, earth + English fluxion] … Useful english dictionary
məfluc — ə. iflic xəstəliyinə tutulmuş … Klassik Azərbaycan ədəbiyyatında islənən ərəb və fars sözləri lüğəti
fluctuant — fluc·tu·ant flək chə wənt adj movable and compressible used of abnormal body structures (as some abscesses or tumors) <the fluctuant mass in his abdomen (Oliver Sacks)> * * * fluc·tu·ant (flukґchoo ənt) 1. showing varying levels. 2.… … Medical dictionary
fluctuate — fluc•tu•ate [[t]ˈflʌk tʃuˌeɪt[/t]] v. at•ed, at•ing 1) to change continually; vary irregularly; shift back and forth or up and down: Prices fluctuated wildly[/ex] 2) to move in waves; undulate 3) to cause to fluctuate • Etymology: 1625–35; < L … From formal English to slang