
ˈflauərɪ прил.
1) а) относящийся к цветам, изобилующий цветами flowery vale ≈ цветочная долина б) украшенный цветами;
имеющий цветочный орнамент или рисунок flowery carpetковер с цветочным орнаментом
2) пышный, цветистый (о стиле, слоге и т. п.) Syn : floridFlowery Empire Kingdom Flowery Empire Land покрытый цветами - * meadows цветущие луга цветочный;
напоминающий цветы - * pattern цветочный узор цветистый, витиеватый - * style цветистый стиль flowery убранный цветами ~ цветистый (о стиле и т. п.)

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flowery" в других словарях:

  • Flowery — Flow er*y, a. 1. Full of flowers; abounding with blossoms. [1913 Webster] 2. Highly embellished with figurative language; florid; as, a flowery style. Milton. [1913 Webster] {The flowery kingdom}, China. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • flowery — index turgid Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • flowery — mid 14c., from FLOWER (Cf. flower) + Y (Cf. y) (2) …   Etymology dictionary

  • flowery — aureate, grandiloquent, magniloquent, Rhetorical, euphuistic, bombastic Analogous words: florid, *ornate, flamboyant: inflated, tumid, turgid: *wordy, verbose, redundant, prolix, diffuse …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • flowery — [adj] ornate, especially referring to speech or writing aureate, baroque, bombastic, declamatory, diffuse, embellished, euphemistic, euphuistic, fancy, figurative, florid, grandiloquent, high flown, magniloquent, ornamented, overwrought, prolix,… …   New thesaurus

  • flowery — ► ADJECTIVE 1) full of, decorated with, or resembling flowers. 2) (of speech or writing) elaborate …   English terms dictionary

  • flowery — [flou′ər ē] adj. flowerier, floweriest 1. covered or decorated with flowers 2. of or like flowers 3. full of figurative and ornate expressions and fine words: said of language, style, etc. SYN. BOMBASTIC flowerily adv. floweriness n …   English World dictionary

  • flowery — flow|er|y [ˈflauəri] adj 1.) decorated with a pattern of flowers = ↑floral, flowered ↑flowered ▪ a flowery cotton dress 2.) a flowery place has a lot of flowers growing in it ▪ a flowery meadow 3.) a flowery smell or taste is strong and sweet,… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • flowery — [[t]fla͟ʊəri[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED A flowery smell is strong and sweet. Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel s flowery perfume. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n Flowery cloth, paper, or china has a lot of flowers printed or painted on it. The …   English dictionary

  • flowery — UK [ˈflaʊərɪ] / US [ˈflaʊrɪ] adjective Word forms flowery : adjective flowery comparative flowerier superlative floweriest 1) a) full of flowers a flowery meadow b) a flowery smell or taste reminds you of flowers 2) decorated with a pattern of… …   English dictionary

  • flowery — flow|er|y [ flauri ] adjective 1. ) decorated with a pattern of flowers: a flowery dress a ) full of flowers: They picnicked in a flowery meadow. b ) a flowery smell or taste reminds you of flowers 2. ) flowery language or writing uses many… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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