flow gate

flow gate

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flow gate" в других словарях:

  • gate — gate1 [gāt] n. [ME < OE gatu, pl. of geat, a gate, akin to OFris jet, Du & ON gat, opening] 1. a movable framework or solid structure, esp. one that swings on hinges, controlling entrance or exit through an opening in a fence or wall 2. an… …   English World dictionary

  • gate — ► NOUN 1) a hinged barrier used to close an opening in a wall, fence, or hedge. 2) an exit from an airport building to an aircraft. 3) a hinged or sliding barrier for controlling the flow of water. 4) the number of people who pay to enter a… …   English terms dictionary

  • gate|house — «GAYT HOWS», noun. 1. a house at or over a gate, used as the gatekeeper s quarters, a fortification, a prison, or the like; lodge. 2. a structure at the gate of a reservoir, dam, lock, or other barrier, with machinery for regulating the flow of… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Flow control valve — Globe control valve with the pneumatic actuator and smart positioner A flow control valve regulates the flow or pressure of a fluid. Control valves normally respond to signals generated by independent devices such as flow meters or temperature… …   Wikipedia

  • Gate valve — A Gate Valve, or Sluice Valve, as it is sometimes known, is a valve that opens by lifting a round or rectangular gate/wedge out of the path of the fluid. The distinct feature of a gate valve is the sealing surfaces between the gate and seats are… …   Wikipedia

  • Gate (cytometry) — A gate in cytometry is a set of value limits (boundaries) that serve to isolate a specific group of cytometric events from a large set. Gates can be defined by discrimination analysis, or can simply be drawn around a given set of data points on a …   Wikipedia

  • Gate (disambiguation) — A gate is an opening in a wall or fence fitted with a moveable barrier allowing it to be closed.Gate may also refer to: *Gate (airport), a specified location for boarding or leaving an aircraft in an airport *Gate (engineering) a movable… …   Wikipedia

  • gate-type check valve — A type of one way valve that uses a swinging gate, or flapper, to control fluid flow. In a multiengine aircraft vacuum system, they are used to isolate one of the pumps in case of the failure of the other. The flapper is at right angles to the… …   Aviation dictionary

  • Gate turn-off thyristor — For other uses of the word, see GTO (disambiguation). GTO thyristor symbol A gate turn off thyristor (GTO) is a special type of thyristor, a high power semiconductor device. GTOs, as opposed to normal thyristors, are fully controllable switches… …   Wikipedia

  • gate — gate1 /gayt/, n., v., gated, gating. n. 1. a movable barrier, usually on hinges, closing an opening in a fence, wall, or other enclosure. 2. an opening permitting passage through an enclosure. 3. a tower, architectural setting, etc., for… …   Universalium

  • Gate oxide — The gate oxide is the third region of the MOSFET between the source and drain. It is a thin layer of pure, defect free, 5 200 nm thick thermally grown oxide. It serves as the dielectric layer so that the gate can sustain as high as 1 to 5 MV/cm… …   Wikipedia

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