flow fluctuation
Смотреть что такое "flow fluctuation" в других словарях:
fluctuation — mid 15c., from M.Fr. fluctuation (12c.) or directly from L. fluctuationem (nom. fluctuatio) a wavering, vacillation, noun of action from pp. stem of fluctuare to undulate, to move in waves, from fluctus wave, billow, surge, from pp. of fluere to… … Etymology dictionary
Fluctuation theorem — The fluctuation theorem (FT) is a theorem from statistical mechanics dealing with the relative probability that the entropy of a system which is currently away from thermodynamic equilibrium (maximum entropy) will increase or decrease over a… … Wikipedia
fluctuation — fluctuate ► VERB ▪ rise and fall irregularly in number or amount. DERIVATIVES fluctuation noun. ORIGIN Latin fluctuare undulate , from fluere to flow … English terms dictionary
fluctuation — n 1. vacillation, wavering, instability, unsteadiness; change, variation, alternation; hesitation, ambivalence, irresolution, indecision, undecisiveness, uncertainty, infirmity of purpose; fickleness, ca priciousness, changeableness. 2.… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
Hydropneumatic device — North American, European, and other languages refer to hydropneumatic devices such as a hydropneumatic accumulator or pulsation damper using very different words. In many cases this can cause a great deal of word usage confusion. This article… … Wikipedia
пульсация потока — — [А.С.Гольдберг. Англо русский энергетический словарь. 2006 г.] Тематики энергетика в целом EN flow pulsationflow fluctuation … Справочник технического переводчика
annual — adj. Annual is used with these nouns: ↑allowance, ↑average, ↑award, ↑banquet, ↑basis, ↑bonus, ↑budget, ↑catch, ↑charge, ↑check, ↑check up, ↑conference, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
daily — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} adj. Daily is used with these nouns: ↑allowance, ↑attendance, ↑barrage, ↑basis, ↑brief, ↑briefing, ↑business, ↑calorie, ↑care, ↑charge, ↑check, ↑ … Collocations dictionary
teetering — Synonyms and related words: Lissajous figure, alternation, back and forth, coming and going, dilapidated, doddering, ebb and flow, fluctuation, flux and reflux, groggy, oscillation, pendulation, ramshackle, reciprocation, rhythmic play, ricketish … Moby Thesaurus
flux — [n] state of constant change alteration, change, flow, fluctuation, fluidity, instability, modification, motion, mutability, mutation, transition, unrest; concept 697 Ant. constancy, stability, steadiness … New thesaurus
motion — [n1] movement, action act, advance, agitation, ambulation, body English*, change, changing, direction, drift, dynamics, flow, fluctuation, flux, full swing*, gesticulation, gesture, high sign*, inclination, kinetics, locomotion, mobility,… … New thesaurus