flow counter
Смотреть что такое "flow counter" в других словарях:
flow counter — noun : a device for detecting low level radiation involving essentially transport of emanations to a Geiger counter in a stream of inert gas … Useful english dictionary
gas-flow counter — dujasrautis skaitiklis statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. gas flow counter vok. Gasdurchflußzähler, m; Gasdurchflußzählrohr, n rus. газовый проточный счётчик, m pranc. compteur à courant de gaz, m; compteur à courant gazeux, m … Fizikos terminų žodynas
gas-flow counter — dujų skaitiklis statusas T sritis Energetika apibrėžtis Dujų vartojimo apskaitos prietaisas. Pagal veikimo principą būna tūrinis, droselinis ir spartusis dujų skaitiklis. Spartusis dujų skaitiklis – dažniausiai sparnuotė, kurios apsisukimų… … Aiškinamasis šiluminės ir branduolinės technikos terminų žodynas
Counter-flows — Counter flow (also referred as contra flow) is the movement of cultures from one place to another brought by mobile subjects (migrants) that can have a positive or negative impact or effect on society. It is no longer from “the west to the rest,” … Wikipedia
Counter-Clock World — Cover of first edition (paperback) … Wikipedia
Counter-insurgency — Police question a civilian during the Malayan Emergency. Counter insurgency involves action from both military and police authorities … Wikipedia
Counter-intelligence — This article is a subset article of intelligence cycle security. National intelligence programs, and, by extension, the overall defenses of nations, are vulnerable to attack. It is the role of intelligence cycle security to protect the process… … Wikipedia
Flow cytometry — Analysis of a marine sample of photosynthetic picoplankton by flow cytometry showing three different populations (Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and picoeukaryotes) Flow cytometry (abbreviated: FCM) is a technique for counting and examining… … Wikipedia
counter-current flow — priešpriešinis srautas statusas T sritis chemija apibrėžtis Srautas, tekantis kitam srautui priešinga kryptimi. atitikmenys: angl. counter current flow; countercurrent flow rus. встречный поток … Chemijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
counter — A device that counts, usually scintillations. automated differential leukocyte c. an instrument using digital imaging or cytochemical techniques to differentiate leukocytes. electronic cell c. an automatic blood cell c. in which cells passing… … Medical dictionary
Counter run — In American football, a counter run is a running play in which the running back will take a step in the opposite direction of the play, only to get the handoff in the other direction. Weak side linemen will sometimes pull and lead the back… … Wikipedia