flow agent
Смотреть что такое "flow agent" в других словарях:
Agent (grammar) — In linguistics, a grammatical agent is the participant of a situation that carries out the action in this situation. Also, agent is the name of the thematic role (also known as the thematic relation) with the above definition. The word comes from … Wikipedia
Agent Systems Reference Model — The Agent Systems Reference Model (ASRM) is a layered, abstract description for multiagent systems. As such, the reference model * provides a taxonomy of terms, concepts and definitions to compare agent systems; * identifies functional elements… … Wikipedia
Fast Flow Extinguishers — Commonly referred to as Fast Flow or High Performance extinguishers. Available in convert|13.2|lb|abbr=on., 20 lb., and convert|30|lb|abbr=on. capacities and contain ABC Dry Chemical, Purple K, or sodium bicarbonate. They are currently… … Wikipedia
Drag reducing agent — A drag reducing agent, also called a flow improver, is a long chain polymer chemical that is used in crude oil, refined products or non potable water pipelines. It is injected in small amounts (parts per million) and is used to reduce the… … Wikipedia
Circular flow of income — In this simplified image, the relationship between the decision makers in the circular flow model is shown. Larger arrows show primary factors, whilst the red smaller arrows show subsequent or secondary factors. In economics, the terms circular… … Wikipedia
Comparison of agent-based modeling software — In the last few years, the agent based modeling (ABM) community has developed several practical agent based modeling toolkits that enable individuals to develop agent based applications. More and more such toolkits are coming into existence, and… … Wikipedia
Cash flow — For other uses, see Cash flow (disambiguation). Accountancy Key concepts Accountant · Accounting period · Bookkeeping · Cash and accrual basis · Cash flow management · … Wikipedia
Data flow diagram — example.[1] A data flow diagram (DFD) is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system, modelling its process aspects. Often they are a preliminary step used to create an overview of the system which can later be… … Wikipedia
Material flow analysis — 3R Concepts Waste Disposal Hierarchy Reduce Reuse Recycle Barter Dematerialization Downcycling Dumpster diving Ecode … Wikipedia
Material flow accounting — (MFA) is the study of material flows on a national or regional scale. It is therefore sometimes also referred to as regional, national or economy wide material flow analysis. Contents 1 Definition 2 Terms and Indicators 3 References 4 … Wikipedia
Moscow hostage crisis chemical agent — Main article: Moscow theater hostage crisis This article forms part of the series Chemical agents Lethal agents Blood agents Cyanogen chloride (CK) … Wikipedia