- flossie
- шелковистый пушистый, легкий (американизм) (сленг) модный;
кричащий, яркий
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.
Flossie — may refer: * Hurricane Flossie * Flossie Page * Flossie Wong Staalee also* Floss * Flossy … Wikipedia
Flossie — f English: pet form from a contraction of FLORENCE (SEE Florence), common in the 19th century, but now no longer much used. The popularity of the name was no doubt enhanced by association with the soft downy material known as floss … First names dictionary
Flossie Page — Flossie E. Page (Haven, Kansas, June 12, 1893 – Butler County, Kansas, February 22, 2006) [Social Security Death Index; 509689388] was an American supercentenarian who broke the record for the oldest person of Kansas on record on February 9, 2006 … Wikipedia
Flossie Wong-Staal — Naissance 27 août 1947 (Chine) Champs Virologie, Immunologie … Wikipédia en Français
Flossie Wong-Staal — (黃以靜 pinyin: Huáng Yǐ jìng, August 27, 1947 ), born Yee Ching Wong, is a Chinese American virologist and molecular biologist. She is sometimes credited as a co discoverer of HIV along with Robert Gallo and Luc Montagnier. She was the first person … Wikipedia
Flossie — /flaw see, flos ee/, n. a female given name, form of Florence. * * * … Universalium
Flossie — noun A diminutive of the female given name Florence … Wiktionary
Flossie — Provenance. Forme anglo saxonne de Florence. Vient du latin florens , signifie : florissant Se fête le 1er décembre. Histoire. Florence est païenne et vit en Asie Mineure lorsqu elle rencontre Saint Hilaire, évêque de Poitiers alors en exil.… … Dictionnaire des prénoms français, arabes et bretons
flossie — adj, n (behaving like) an ostentatious, preten tious or otherwise obnoxious female. Said to derive originally from floss in the sense of thong underwear, the term is used by females in the UK and USA of those they disapprove of … Contemporary slang
Flossie — n. female first name (form of Florence) … English contemporary dictionary
Flossie — /flaw see, flos ee/, n. a female given name, form of Florence … Useful english dictionary