Смотреть что такое "floruit" в других словарях:
Floruit — (souvent abrégée sous la forme fl.) est une locution latine que l on emploie pour indiquer la période au cours de laquelle une personne, une école, une mouvance ou une espèce a été active ou florissante. Il s agit de la conjugaison au passé du… … Wikipédia en Français
floruit — pronounced flor oo it, is a Latin third person singular verb in the past tense meaning ‘he or she flourished’. In English it is used with a following designation of date to indicate when a writer, painter, etc., is believed to have been alive and … Modern English usage
Floruit — (often abbreviated fl. or flor. and sometimes italicized to show it is Latin) refers to a period of time during which a person, school, movement or even species was active or flourishing. It is the third person, singular, perfect tense,… … Wikipedia
floruit — used now mainly in sense of period during which a historical person s life work was done, 1843, Latin, lit. he flourished, third person singular perf. indicative of florere (see FLOURISH (Cf. flourish)). Usually in abbreviation fl … Etymology dictionary
floruit — ► VERB ▪ used to indicate when a historical figure lived, worked, or was most active. ORIGIN Latin, he or she flourished … English terms dictionary
Floruit — «Acmé» redirige aquí. Para el término médico, véase Acmé (medicina). Floruit (a menudo abreviado fl. o flor.) es una voz proveniente del latín, la tercera persona de singular del pretérito perfecto simple de indicativo del verbo florere, florecer … Wikipedia Español
floruit — noun Etymology: Latin, he flourished, from florēre to flourish Date: 1843 a period of flourishing (as of a person or movement) … New Collegiate Dictionary
floruit — /floh rddooh it/; Eng. /flawr yooh it, flohr , flor /, n. Latin. he (or she) flourished: used to indicate the period during which a person flourished, esp. when the exact birth and death dates are unknown. Abbr.: fl., flor. * * * … Universalium
floruit — noun The time period during which a person, group, culture, etc. is at its peak … Wiktionary
floruit — n. (Latin) period during which a person or movement lived or flourished; dates of birth and death of a person … English contemporary dictionary
floruit — [ flɒrʊɪt, flɔ: ] verb used to indicate when a historical figure lived, worked, or was most active. Origin L., lit. he or she flourished … English new terms dictionary