Смотреть что такое "floristics" в других словарях:
Floristics — (from flora ) is a subdomain of botany and biogeography that studies distribution and relationships of plant species over geographic areas. The term is not to be confused with floristry. See also*Floristic province *Landscape ecology… … Wikipedia
floristics — [flō ris′tiks, flô ris′tiks, flə ris′tiks] n. 〚 FLORIST + ICS〛 the branch of botany dealing with the kinds and number of plant species in particular areas and their distribution * * * flo·rist·ics (flô rĭsʹtĭks, flō ) n. (used with a sing. verb)… … Universalium
floristics — [flō ris′tiks, flô ris′tiks, flə ris′tiks] n. [ FLORIST + ICS] the branch of botany dealing with the kinds and number of plant species in particular areas and their distribution … English World dictionary
floristics — /fləˈrɪstɪks/ (say fluh ristiks) plural noun (construed as singular) 1. that branch of botany which is concerned with the analysis of the types, numbers and distribution of plants in a given region or area. 2. the distribution of plants in a… …
floristics — floristika statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Botanikos mokslo šaka, tirianti kurio nors krašto, vietovės florą, jos kokybinius ir kiekybinius parametrus. atitikmenys: angl. floristics vok. Floristik, f rus. флористика, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
floristics — floristika statusas T sritis ekologija ir aplinkotyra apibrėžtis Gėlių puokščių sudarymo menas. atitikmenys: angl. floristics vok. Floristik, f rus. флористика, f … Ekologijos terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
floristics — noun The scientific study of the distribution of plants, especially on the regional level. See Also: flora, Flora … Wiktionary
floristics — flo·ris·tics … English syllables
floristics — ks noun plural but singular or plural in construction : a branch of phytogeography that deals with plants and plant groups from the numerical standpoint … Useful english dictionary
António Rodrigo Pinto da Silva — (c. 1980). António Rodrigo Pinto da Silva (Porto, March 13, 1912 – Lisbon, September 28, 1992), often referred to as A.R. Pinto da Silva or P. Silva, was a Portuguese botanist who distinguished himself as a taxonomist and phytosociologist … Wikipedia
Phytogeography — Phytogeography, also called geobotany, is the branch of biogeography that is concerned with the geographic distribution of plant species, or more generally, plants. Phytogeography is concerned with all aspects of plant distribution, from the… … Wikipedia