flood-control measures

flood-control measures
противопаводочные мероприятия

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "flood-control measures" в других словарях:

  • Flood control in the Netherlands — Without dikes, this part of the Netherlands would be flooded …   Wikipedia

  • Flood Control Act of 1941 — The Flood Control Act of 1941 was an Act of the United States Congress signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that authorized civil engineering projects such as dams, levees, dikes, and other flood control measures through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Flood Control Act of 1938 — The Flood Control Act of 1938 was an Act of the United States Congress signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that authorized civil engineering projects such as dams, levees, dikes, and other flood control measures through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Flood Control Act of 1936 — The Flood Control Act of 1936 was an Act of the United States Congress signed into law by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt that authorized civil engineering projects such as dams, levees, dikes, and other flood control measures through the… …   Wikipedia

  • Flood Control Acts, 1936, 1944 —    Following a series of major floods, including one in Mississippi in 1927 and Ohio in 1933, and concern about soil erosion, flooding was recognized as a national issue requiring federal involvement. This led to the passage of the Flood Control… …   Historical Dictionary of the Roosevelt–Truman Era

  • Flood control — For the protocol issue, see Flood control (communications). A weir was built on the Humber River (Ontario) to prevent a recurrence of a catastrophic flood. Flood control refers to all methods used to reduce or prevent the detrimental effects of… …   Wikipedia

  • flood control —   measures used to reduce the frequency and the magnitude of flooding. Two approaches:   hard engineering projects which build up banks, straighten and deepen channels, divert channels, build overflow channels or dam rivers altogether all… …   Geography glossary

  • Clark County Regional Flood Control District — The Clark County Regional Flood Control District (CCRFCD) was created in 1985 by the Nevada Legislature allowing Clark County to provide broad solutions to flooding problems. The District has developed plans and so far successfully continued… …   Wikipedia

  • flood — floodable, adj. flooder, n. floodless, adj. floodlike, adj. /flud/, n. 1. a great flowing or overflowing of water, esp. over land not usually submerged. 2. any great outpouring or stream: a flood of tears. 3. the Flood, the universal deluge… …   Universalium

  • control — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 power over sb/sth ADJECTIVE ▪ absolute, complete, full, total ▪ effective, proper (esp. BrE) ▪ close …   Collocations dictionary

  • Napa River Flood Project — A portion of the Napa River floodwall constructed by the Corps of Engineers. Photo taken from the 3rd Street bridge. The Napa River Napa Creek Flood Protection Project is a Civil Works project of the US Army Corps of Engineers in the city of Napa …   Wikipedia

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