flog out
Смотреть что такое "flog out" в других словарях:
flog´ger — flog «flog, flg», verb, flogged, flog|ging. –transitive verb. 1. to beat or whip hard: » The inhuman flogging of disobedient soldiers and sailors was stopped years ago. Trees were seen to flog the ground with their branches (Sir John Herschel).… … Useful english dictionary
Flog It! — (2002 ) is a television series broadcast on the BBC, presented by Paul Martin. (Regular expert Kate Bliss has also hosted the show on occasion). The show follows the same kind of formula as Antiques Roadshow , with members of the public bringing… … Wikipedia
flog — n. A blog that appears to be written by an individual, but is actually maintained by a corporate marketing department or a public relations firm. v. [Blend of fake and blog.] Example Citations: A tip of the cap to Tom Siebert, a reporter for… … New words
flog a dead horse — phrasal : to attempt to revive interest in a worn out or forgotten subject * * * flog a dead horse (informal) To waste time and energy on a lost or impossible cause • • • Main Entry: ↑flog flog a dead horse To try to work up excitement about a… … Useful english dictionary
flog — I. /flɒg / (say flog) verb (t) (flogged, flogging) 1. to beat hard with a whip, stick, etc.; whip. 2. Colloquial to sell or attempt to sell: *he d taken on an agency to flog off land at Scarborough –t.a.g. hungerford, 1983. 3. Colloquial to steal …
flog — v. (flogged, flogging) 1 tr. a beat with a whip, stick, etc. (as a punishment or to urge on). b make work through violent effort (flogged the engine). 2 tr. Brit. sl. sell. 3 tr. (usu. foll. by into, out of) drive (a quality, knowledge, etc.)… … Useful english dictionary
flog a dead horse — verb a) To attempt to get extra work out of a ships crew during the dead horse period. b) To attempt to get more out of something that cannot give more … Wiktionary
flog a dead horse — Continue to do something when it is too late. Try to impart vitality to a matter which is out of date or already decided, etc … A concise dictionary of English slang
wear out — Synonyms and related words: ablate, abrade, beat, bugger, burden, burn out, crush one, debilitate, do in, do up, enervate, erode, exhaust, fag, fag out, fatigue, flag, flog, fray, frazzle, fret, harass, haunt, haunt the memory, hide, jade, knock… … Moby Thesaurus
To let the cat out of the bag — cat cat (k[a^]t), n. [AS. cat; akin to D. & Dan. kat, Sw. katt, Icel. k[ o]ttr, G. katze, kater, Ir. cat, W. cath, Armor. kaz, LL. catus, Bisc. catua, NGr. ga ta, ga tos, Russ. & Pol. kot, Turk. kedi, Ar. qitt; of unknown origin. Cf. {Kitten}.] 1 … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
taskmaster — /ˈtaskmastə/ (say tahskmahstuh) noun someone whose function it is to assign tasks to others, especially burdensome tasks: *How men work spurred on by the double excitement of acquiring social reputation and making money rapidly! Not an instant is …