Смотреть что такое "flock-bed" в других словарях:
Flock bed — Flock Flock, n. [OE. flokke; cf. D. vlok, G. flocke, OHG. floccho, Icel. fl[=o]ki, perh. akin to E. flicker, flacker, or cf. L. floccus, F. floc.] 1. A lock of wool or hair. [1913 Webster] I prythee, Tom, beat Cut s saddle, put a few flocks in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flock-bed — flockˈ bed noun A bed stuffed with wool • • • Main Entry: ↑flock … Useful english dictionary
flock bed — noun Etymology: flock (III) : a bed having or consisting of a mattress stuffed with flock … Useful english dictionary
Flock — Flock, n. [OE. flokke; cf. D. vlok, G. flocke, OHG. floccho, Icel. fl[=o]ki, perh. akin to E. flicker, flacker, or cf. L. floccus, F. floc.] 1. A lock of wool or hair. [1913 Webster] I prythee, Tom, beat Cut s saddle, put a few flocks in the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flock paper — Flock Flock, n. [OE. flokke; cf. D. vlok, G. flocke, OHG. floccho, Icel. fl[=o]ki, perh. akin to E. flicker, flacker, or cf. L. floccus, F. floc.] 1. A lock of wool or hair. [1913 Webster] I prythee, Tom, beat Cut s saddle, put a few flocks in… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flock duck — Scaup Scaup (sk[add]p), n. [See {Scalp} a bed of oysters or mussels.] 1. A bed or stratum of shellfish; scalp. [Scot.] [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) A scaup duck. See below. [1913 Webster] {Scaup duck} (Zo[ o]l.), any one of several species of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
List of collective nouns by collective term A-K — See also: Collective noun List of collective nouns List of collective nouns by collective term COLLECTIVE TERM COLLECTIVE PHRASE STATUS aarmory An aarmory of aardvarks Spurious abomination An abomination of monks Spurious [The phrase An… … Wikipedia
List of animal names — This list gives names of animals used depending on the context. Many species of animals, particularly those domesticated, have been given specific names for the male, the female, and the young of the species. There are a few generic terms, bull… … Wikipedia
Historic Brattonsville — is a 775 acre American Revolution living history site and is a member of the Culture Heritage Museums of York County, South Carolina. The Bratton Plantation was owned and lived on for three generations by the wealthy Bratton family; the… … Wikipedia
List of characters in Maximum Ride — This is a list of all the characters in Maximum Ride . The FlockMaximum Ride (Max)Maximum Ride (Max) is fourteen years old, the oldest of the avian human hybrids and the leader of the Flock. She is 5 8 and has a wingspan of about 13 feet across.… … Wikipedia
List of Maximum Ride characters — This is a list of characters in the Maximum Ride children s book series by James Patterson. Contents 1 The Flock 1.1 Fang 1.2 Iggy 1.3 Nudge … Wikipedia