Смотреть что такое "floccus" в других словарях:
Floccus — Floc cus, n.; pl. {Flocci}. [L., a flock of wool.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) (a) The tuft of hair terminating the tail of mammals. (b) A tuft of feathers on the head of young birds. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) A woolly filament sometimes occuring with the… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Floccus — (Flocke), 1) (Flocellus), Mönchskleid, so v.w. Cucullus 3); 2) (Bot.), eine fädige Zelle od. Zellenreihe, aus der die ganze Pflanze besteht, wie bei den Fadenpilzen, od. die in Mehrzahl verbunden, ein lockeres Gewebe, das Schwammgewebe (Mycelium … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
floccus — [fläk′əs] n. pl. flocci [fläk′sī΄] [L, flock of wool < IE * bhlok > OHG blaha, coarse linen cloth] a woolly or hairy tuft or mass … English World dictionary
Floccus — Wolken: Klassifikation Gattungen Cirrus Ci Cirrocumulus Cc Cirrostratus Cs Altocumulus Ac Altostratus As Stratocumulus Sc Stratus St Cumulus Cu Nimbostratus Ns … Deutsch Wikipedia
floccus — /flok euhs/, n., pl. flocci /flok suy, see/, adj. n. 1. a small tuft of woolly hairs. adj. 2. Meteorol. (of a cloud) having elements in the form of small, rounded tufts. [1835 45; < L: tuft of wool] * * * … Universalium
floccus — noun a cloud species which consists of rounded tufts of cloud, often formed by dissipation from larger cloud species. Associated with cirrus, cirrocumulus, altocumulus, and stratocumulus genera. Source [ … Wiktionary
floccus — [ flɒkəs] noun (plural flocci flɒksʌɪ) a tuft of wool or similar clump of fibres. Origin C19: from L., lock or tuft of wool ; cf. flock2 … English new terms dictionary
floccus — floc·cus … English syllables
floccus — /ˈflɒkəs/ (say flokuhs) noun (plural flocci /ˈflɒksaɪ/ (say floksuy)) 1. a small tuft of woolly hairs. 2. the covering or down of unfledged birds. {Latin} …
floccus — n. (pl. flocci) a tuft of woolly hairs or filaments. Etymology: L, = FLOCK(2) … Useful english dictionary
Cirrus floccus — with virga Abbreviation Ci flo Symbol … Wikipedia