Смотреть что такое "floating-up" в других словарях:
Floating — Float ing, a. 1. Buoyed upon or in a fluid; a, the floating timbers of a wreck; floating motes in the air. [1913 Webster] 2. Free or lose from the usual attachment; as, the floating ribs in man and some other animals. [1913 Webster] 3. Not… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Floating — Becken Floating Tank Floating (engl … Deutsch Wikipedia
floating — float·ing adj 1: not presently committed or invested floating capital 2: short term and usu. not funded floating debt 3: having no fixed value or rate floatin … Law dictionary
Floating — Float ing, n. 1. (Weaving) Floating threads. See {Floating threads}, above. [1913 Webster] 2. The second coat of three coat plastering. Knight. [1913 Webster] 3. The process of rendering oysters and scallops plump by placing them in fresh or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
floating — (izg. flȏuting) m DEFINICIJA ekon. plutanje, plivanje (o plivajućim, slobodnim tečajevima valuta, za razliku od fiksnog) SINTAGMA floating clause (izg. floating klȏz) pom. klauzula o plutanju (vremenu kad brod u luci čeka na ukrcaj/iskrcaj)… … Hrvatski jezični portal
floating — [flōt′iŋ] adj. 1. that floats 2. not fixed; not remaining in one place; moving about 3. Finance a) designating an unfunded, short term debt resulting from current operations and having no specified date for repayment b) not permanently invested;… … English World dictionary
floating — floating; semi·floating; … English syllables
floating — /ˈflotin(g), ingl. ˈfləutɪŋ/ [vc. ingl., propriamente «galleggiante», da to float «galleggiare»] s. m. inv. (banca) fluttuazione … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
floating — adj. not settled in a definite place; fluctuating; variable (the floating population). Phrases and idioms: floating anchor a sea anchor. floating bridge 1 a bridge on pontoons etc. 2 a ferry working on chains. floating debt a debt repayable on… … Useful english dictionary
Floating — Floa|ting 〈[ floʊ ] n. 15; unz.〉 1. das Floaten 2. 〈Geol.〉 Verfahren zur Anreicherung gering konzentrierter Erze im abgebauten Gestein durch Spülung mit besonderen Emulgier od. Lösungsmitteln, in denen das Erz konzentriert wird * * * Floa|ting [… … Universal-Lexikon
floating — adjective Date: 1600 1. buoyed on or in a fluid 2. located out of the normal position < a floating kidney > 3. a. continually drifting or changing position < the floating population > b. not presently committed or invested < floating capital > … New Collegiate Dictionary