Смотреть что такое "flinthearted" в других словарях:
flinthearted — Synonyms and related words: callous, calloused, cold, cold of heart, coldblooded, coldhearted, hard, hard of heart, hardened, hardhearted, heartless, insensitive, obdurate, stonyhearted, unfeeling, unmerciful, unnatural, unresponsive … Moby Thesaurus
flinthearted — ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ adjective : hardhearted … Useful english dictionary
callous — Synonyms and related words: Philistine, anneal, apathetic, asleep, backed, benumbed, brazen, brutalize, calcified, calcify, calloused, case harden, case hardened, cold, cold of heart, coldblooded, coldhearted, conscienceless, cornify, crusted,… … Moby Thesaurus
cold — Synonyms and related words: Asiatic flu, Hong Kong flu, Laodicean, Olympian, Siberian, abruptly, absolutely, acute bronchitis, adenoiditis, affectless, ague, aguey, aguish, algid, aloof, aluminosis, amygdalitis, anesthetized, anthracosilicosis,… … Moby Thesaurus
cold blooded — Synonyms and related words: affectless, anesthetized, arctic, autistic, blunt, callous, calloused, catatonic, chill, chilly, cold, cold as charity, cold of heart, coldblooded, coldhearted, cool, cryogenic, cryological, dispassionate, drugged,… … Moby Thesaurus
coldhearted — Synonyms and related words: affectless, anesthetized, arctic, autistic, blunt, callous, calloused, catatonic, chill, chilly, cold, cold as charity, cold of heart, cold blooded, coldblooded, cool, dispassionate, drugged, dull, emotionally dead,… … Moby Thesaurus
hard — Synonyms and related words: Herculean, Philistine, about, absolute, abstruse, accented, acerb, acerbic, acrid, acrimonious, actively, acute, adamant, adamantine, addictive, adverse, afflictive, agonizing, agonizingly, alcoholic, all but, almost,… … Moby Thesaurus
hardened — Synonyms and related words: Philistine, acclimated, acclimatized, accommodated, accustomed, adapted, adjusted, annealed, backed, brazen, calcified, callous, calloused, case hardened, cold, cold of heart, coldblooded, coldhearted, conditioned,… … Moby Thesaurus
hardhearted — Synonyms and related words: Philistine, brazen, callous, calloused, case hardened, cold, cold of heart, coldblooded, coldhearted, conscienceless, flinthearted, flinty, hard, hard of heart, hard boiled, hardened, heartless, impervious, indurated,… … Moby Thesaurus
heartless — Synonyms and related words: Laodicean, Olympian, affectless, aloof, anesthetized, apathetic, arctic, autistic, benumbed, blah, blase, blunt, bowed down, bowelless, brazen, brutal, callous, calloused, case hardened, cast down, catatonic, chill,… … Moby Thesaurus
insensitive — Synonyms and related words: Philistine, aloof, anesthetic, anesthetized, asleep, benumbed, blanket, bloodless, boorish, caddish, callous, calloused, case hardened, casual, coarse, cold, cold of heart, coldblooded, coldhearted, crude, dead,… … Moby Thesaurus