Flim-flam — may refer to:* Another term for Confidence trick * The Flim Flam Man, a 1967 comedy * Flim Flam! Psychics, ESP, Unicorns, and Other Delusions, a 1982 book by skeptic James Randi * Shim Sham, Flim Flam, a recording by members of the Counting Crows … Wikipedia
flim|flam — «FLIHM FLAM», noun, verb, flammed, flam|ming, adjective. Informal. –n. 1. nonsense; rubbish: »I tell thee tis all flimflam (Henry Fielding). 2. a low trick; … Useful english dictionary
flim-flam — also flimflam, 1530s (n.); 1650s (v.); a contemptuous echoic construction, perhaps connected to some unrecorded dial. word from Scandinavian (Cf. O.N. flim a lampoon ) … Etymology dictionary
flim-flam — n. A type of fraud or confidence game performed by two perpetrators, one of whom persuades the victim to give money to the other as part of a get rich quick scheme, whereupon both perpetrators disappear with the money. The Essential Law… … Law dictionary
flim-flam — /ˈflɪm flæm/ (say flim flam) Colloquial –noun 1. a piece of nonsense; mere nonsense. 2. a trick or deception; humbug. –verb (t) (flim flammed, flim flamming) 3. to trick; delude; humbug; cheat. –adjective 4. nonsensical; worthless. {a humorous… …
flim-flam — vb, n (to attempt) trickery or deceit, specifi cally a confidence trick involving a tall story. The word, which is in use in Brit ain, but more widespread in the USA, probably comes, via Scottish dialect, from an old Scandinavian word flim… … Contemporary slang
flim-flam — noun /ˈflɪmflæm/ a) Misinformation; bunkum; false information presented as true. Most reports of supernatural occurrences turn out to be flim flam when carefully investigated. b) confidence game, con game … Wiktionary
flim-flam — • a load of rubbish / a tall story / trickery. e.g. Don t give me any flim flam … Londonisms dictionary
flim-flam — A form of bunco or confidence game. Commonwealth v. Townsend, 149 Pa.Super. 337, 27 A.2d 462, 463. Procedure variously known as flim flam , faith and trust or confidence game essentially is performed by two operators, ostensibly strangers to each … Black's law dictionary
flim-flam — A form of bunco or confidence game. Commonwealth v. Townsend, 149 Pa.Super. 337, 27 A.2d 462, 463. Procedure variously known as flim flam , faith and trust or confidence game essentially is performed by two operators, ostensibly strangers to each … Black's law dictionary
flim|flam|mer|y — «FLIHM FLAM uhr ee», noun. U.S. actions or practices intended to trick or deceive: »commercial flimflammery … Useful english dictionary