flight surgeon
Смотреть что такое "flight surgeon" в других словарях:
flight surgeon — n a medical officer (as in the U.S. Air Force) qualified by additional training for specialization in the psychological and medical problems associated with flying … Medical dictionary
flight surgeon — ☆ flight surgeon n. a military medical officer specializing in aviation medicine … English World dictionary
Flight surgeon — A flight surgeon is a military medical officer assigned to duties in the clinical field known as flight, or aviation medicine. Flight surgeons are medical or osteopathic doctors who are primarily responsible for the medical evaluation,… … Wikipedia
flight surgeon — aviacijos gydytojas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Specialiai parengtas medicinos gydytojas, kuris tikrina ir prižiūri orlaivių įgulų sveikatą. atitikmenys: angl. flight surgeon pranc. médecin de l’air … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
flight surgeon — flight′ sur geon n. mil a medical officer in the U.S. Air Force who is trained in aviation medicine • Etymology: 1920–25 … From formal English to slang
Flight Surgeon Badge (United States) — The Flight Surgeon Badge is a military badge of the United States Armed Forces which has existed since the Second World War. The Flight Surgeon Badge is presented to those members of the military who are both qualified medical officers and… … Wikipedia
Flight Surgeon Badge — The Flight Surgeon Badge is a military insignia which is issued to personnel who are qualified as military flight surgeons. Various countries issue the Flight Surgeon Badge to include the following versions:*Canadian Forces Flight Surgeon Wings… … Wikipedia
Flight Surgeon Wings (Canada) — In the Canadian Forces, a Flight Surgeon is any Medical Officer who has completed the Flight Surgeon s Course at the School of Operational Medicine at DRDC (Defence Research and Development Canada) Toronto. They are awarded their wings upon the… … Wikipedia
flight surgeon — A physician trained in aviation medicine and employed to examine and care for air crew. Invariably, this person is a physician and not a surgeon as the name implies … Aviation dictionary
flight surgeon — A physician specially trained in aviator medical practice whose primary duty is the medical examination and medical care of aircrew … Military dictionary
flight surgeon — noun Date: 1925 a military medical officer specializing in aerospace medicine … New Collegiate Dictionary