flicker fusion
Смотреть что такое "flicker fusion" в других словарях:
flicker fusion — n FUSION (2c(2)) … Medical dictionary
flicker fusion — noun : fusion 2d(2) * * * flicker fusion, Psychology. the perception of an intermittently flashing light as if continuous when the flashes occur above a certain frequency … Useful english dictionary
Flicker fusion threshold — The flicker fusion threshold (or flicker fusion rate) is a concept in the psychophysics of vision. It is defined as the frequency at which an intermittent light stimulus appears to be completely steady to the observer (this article centers around … Wikipedia
flicker fusion threshold — critical fusion frequency … Medical dictionary
Flicker (screen) — Flicker is visible fading between cycles displayed on video displays, especially the refresh interval on cathode ray tube (CRT) based computer screens. Flicker occurs on CRTs when the they are driven at a low refresh rate, allowing the screen s… … Wikipedia
Flicker-free — (or 100 Hz or 120 Hz, depending on country) is a term given to televisions that operate at a 100 or 120 hertz field rate to eliminate flicker, compared to standard televisions that operate at 50 Hz (PAL, SÉCAM systems) or 60 Hz (NTSC). Flicker… … Wikipedia
fusion — 1. Liquefaction, as by melting by heat. 2. Union, as by joining together; e.g., bone f.. 3. The blending of slightly different images from each eye into a single perception. 4. The joining of two or more adjacent teeth during their development by … Medical dictionary
flicker — flicker1 flickeringly, adv. flickery, adj. /flik euhr/, v.i. 1. to burn unsteadily; shine with a wavering light: The candle flickered in the wind and went out. 2. to move to and fro; vibrate; quiver: The long grasses flickered in the wind. 3. to… … Universalium
flicker — The visual sensation caused by stimulation of the retina by a series of intermittent light flashes occurring at a certain rate. SEE ALSO: f. fusion, critical f. fusion frequency. * * * flick·er flik ər … Medical dictionary
fusion frequency — noun : critical flicker frequency … Useful english dictionary
Critical fusion frequency — is the rate at which stimuli can be presented and still be perceived as a separate stimuli. Stimuli presented at a higher rate than CFF are perceived as continuous stimuli. Motion pictures move because the frames are presented at an higher rate… … Wikipedia