Смотреть что такое "flesher" в других словарях:
Flesher — Flesh er, n. 1. A butcher. [1913 Webster] A flesher on a block had laid his whittle down. Macaulay. [1913 Webster] 2. A two handled, convex, blunt edged knife, for scraping hides; a fleshing knife. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Flesher, Dale L. — born 1945 A U.S. academic, author, and accounting and auditing specialist. A professor at the University of Mississippi’s Patterson School of Accounting, Flesher has written extensively on auditing and accounting, with (by 2003) at least 300… … Auditor's dictionary
flesher — /flesh euhr/, n. 1. a person who fleshes hides. 2. a tool for fleshing hides. [1325 75; ME fleshour. See FLESH, ER1] * * * … Universalium
flesher — noun a) A person who removes the flesh from the skin during the making of leather. b) A tool used to remove the flesh from the skin during the making of leather … Wiktionary
flesher — noun 1》 chiefly Scottish a butcher. 2》 N. Amer. a knife for fleshing hides … English new terms dictionary
flesher — flesh·er … English syllables
flesher — /ˈflɛʃə/ (say fleshuh) noun 1. someone who fleshes hides. 2. a tool for fleshing hides …
flesher — n. Sc. a butcher … Useful english dictionary
Chris Flesher — is an American folk art woodcarver.Chris Flesher has spent most of his artistic career as a free lance sign painter in rural West Tennessee. After taking up woodcarving as a hobby in 1992, he soon caught the interest of many collectors through an … Wikipedia
John Flesher — (June 8 1833 ndash; ) was an Ontario merchant and political figure. He represented Cardwell in the Legislative Assembly of Ontario as a Liberal Conservative from 1875 to 1879.He was born in Duffield, Yorkshire, England in 1833, educated at… … Wikipedia
William Kingston Flesher — (June 10 1825 ndash; 1907) was an Ontario businessman and political figure. He represented Grey East in the Canadian House of Commons as a Conservative member from 1872 to 1878.He was born in Kingston upon Hull, England in 1825 and came to Canada … Wikipedia