Смотреть что такое "flense" в других словарях:
Flense — Flense, v. t. [Cf. Dan. flense, D. vlensen, vlenzen, Scot. flinch.] To strip the blubber or skin from, as from a whale, seal, etc. [1913 Webster] the flensed carcass of a fur seal. U. S. Census (1880). [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
flense — (v.) also flench, 1814, from Dan. flense, perhaps from PIE root * (s)plei to splice, split. Related: Flenser; flensing … Etymology dictionary
flense — [flenchflens] vt. flensed, flensing [< Du vlensen or Dan flense] to cut blubber skin from (a whale, seal, etc.): also flench [flench] … English World dictionary
flense — transitive verb (flensed; flensing) Etymology: Dutch flensen or Danish & Norwegian flense Date: 1820 to strip (as a whale) of blubber or skin … New Collegiate Dictionary
flense — flenser, n. /flens/, v.t., flensed, flensing. 1. to strip the blubber or the skin from (a whale, seal, etc.). 2. to strip off (blubber or skin). Also, flench /flench/, flinch. [1805 15; < Dan flense or D flensen] * * * … Universalium
flense — [[t]flɛns[/t]] v. t. flensed, flens•ing 1) to strip the blubber or skin from (a whale, seal, etc.) 2) to strip off (blubber or skin) • Etymology: 1805–15; < Dan flense or D flensen flens′er, n … From formal English to slang
flense — v.tr. (also flench, flinch) 1 cut up (a whale or seal). 2 flay (a seal). Etymology: Da. flense: cf. Norw. flinsa, flunsa flay … Useful english dictionary
flense — verb To strip the blubber or skin from, as from a whale, seal, etc. For that reason, among others, he would never evince the particular guantness, the cut and flagrant sense of purpose all compromise and capacity for surrender flensed away which… … Wiktionary
flense — v. cut off the blubber from (seal, whale etc.); flay, skin (also flench) … English contemporary dictionary
flense — [flɛns] (also flench flɛn(t)ʃ, flinch) verb slice the skin or fat from (a carcass, especially that of a whale). Derivatives flenser noun Origin C19: from Dan. flensa … English new terms dictionary
flense — /flɛns/ (say flens) verb (t) (flensed, flensing) 1. to strip the blubber or the skin from (a whale, seal, etc.). 2. to strip off (blubber or skin). Also, flench /ˈflɛntʃ/ (say flench), flinch. {Dutch flensen} …