fleecy cloud
Смотреть что такое "fleecy cloud" в других словарях:
fleecy — UK [ˈfliːsɪ] / US [ˈflɪsɪ] adjective Word forms fleecy : adjective fleecy comparative fleecier superlative fleeciest something fleecy looks or feels soft and light, especially because it is made of fleece a fleecy jacket/cloud … English dictionary
cloud — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. haze (see cloudiness, obscurity); flight (see assemblage). II (Roget s IV) n. 1. [Fog at a distance from the earth] Syn. haze, mist, rack, fogginess, haziness, film, puff, billow, frost, nebula,… … English dictionary for students
fleecy — fleec|y [ flisi ] adjective something fleecy looks or feels soft and light, especially because it is made of fleece: a fleecy jacket/cloud … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
mushroom cloud — Synonyms and related words: A blast, A bomb shelter, Cloudcuckooland, H blast, Mach front, airborne radioactivity, alto cumulus, alto stratus, anvil cloud, atom blast, banner cloud, billowy cloud, blast wave, cap cloud, cirro cumulus, cirro… … Moby Thesaurus
woolpack — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: Middle English wolpak, wullepak, from wolle, wulle wool + pak pack 1. a. : a wrapper of canvas or other strong fabric into which fleeces are packed for shipment b. : the complete package of wool and wrapper … Useful english dictionary
cirrus — Synonyms and related words: Cloudcuckooland, alto cumulus, alto stratus, animal fiber, anvil cloud, artificial fiber, banner cloud, billowy cloud, cap cloud, capillament, cilium, cirro cumulus, cirro fillum, cirro nebula, cirro stratus, cirro… … Moby Thesaurus
cloudland — Synonyms and related words: Agapemone, Arcadia, Big Rock Candy Mountain, Canaan, Cloudcuckooland, Cockaigne, Eden, Eldorado, Erewhon, Garden of Eden, Goshen, Happy Valley, Land of Youth, Laputa, Never Never land, Neverland, New Atlantis,… … Moby Thesaurus
cocktail — Synonyms and related words: Cloudcuckooland, Mickey, Mickey Finn, alto cumulus, alto stratus, anvil cloud, aperitif, banner cloud, billowy cloud, cap cloud, chaser, cirro cumulus, cirro fillum, cirro nebula, cirro stratus, cirro velum, cirrus,… … Moby Thesaurus
cumulus — Synonyms and related words: Cloudcuckooland, alto cumulus, alto stratus, anvil cloud, banner cloud, billowy cloud, cap cloud, cirro cumulus, cirro fillum, cirro nebula, cirro stratus, cirro velum, cirrus, cirrus cloud, cirrus haze, cirrus stripe … Moby Thesaurus
nimbus — Synonyms and related words: Cloudcuckooland, alto cumulus, alto stratus, anthelion, antisun, anvil cloud, aura, aureole, banner cloud, billowy cloud, blaze of glory, brilliance, brilliancy, cap cloud, charisma, circle, cirro cumulus, cirro fillum … Moby Thesaurus
scud — Synonyms and related words: Cloudcuckooland, alto cumulus, alto stratus, anvil cloud, banner cloud, billowy cloud, blast, blow, bolt, brash, breakers, burst, burst of rain, burst of speed, canter, cap cloud, career, cirro cumulus, cirro fillum,… … Moby Thesaurus